June: Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring - TopicsExpress


June: Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19 This is my verse this year. We were home the past two months, but there was so much going on, just logistically and emotionally that we were feeling like we were home - but home was a wilderness we were just wandering in with no way out. But this week brought us a road in that wilderness and we are feeling like we are breathing new air, drinking out of the river forming in our desert. The sun finally came out again! How great did it feel to be outside, feeling the sun shine on our faces again?! Grant loved being outside this weekend and he needs it because we head back to the hospital on Tuesday for this next round of MIBG therapy. Grant did so well last time during this therapy and it helped his pain - and cancer! - that we are actually looking forward in a way to this treatment again. We are hopeful to continue attacking this beast and feel a different sense of renewal coming during this stay at home. Dont get us wrong, we will still be anxious, as a cancer parent you are never without even a small sense of worry and anxiousness over the wait for results, but it has been a great week for news with our cancer friends and we know this is part of what we needed to hear during our battle. After the past posts of requesting prayer for very precarious times in our friends battles here are some praises to encourage you this week. Our pastor whom is fighting multiple myeloma, had his follow up appointment to hear his cancers status this past Friday at 1:30 - the same day, the exact same time as our appointment - what a way for our church to pray for our news together! His results came back as zero cancer showing in his body! Woohoo! Our friend Windle who was labeled on hospice this past month, did the only thing he could do and qualify for for quality of life, 5 short days of radiation for tumors that had filled his lungs. When Windle had a scan this Friday, the word miracle was said, his once tumor filled lungs are now completely clear! When discouraged in our own path, God always has a way of reminding us that He is bigger, miracles do happen in this community, and to never ever give up hope! Friday we had a little clinic appointment and we made a little stop by the cancer unit of the hospital to visit something big that you all were a part of this year. This room (see the picture below) is just part of what all those that were part of our Granting Grace Foundation for Childhood Cancer were able to give to this community this past year! Not even a year, a few months! Thank you again for all the prayers for us in this venture, for contributing, for believing in us and trusting us enough to contribute, and for wanting to do something for all those in this battle. Thank you! Saturday we enjoyed the sun outside with a little photo shoot with Peyton over at Pray for Peyton. We needed the pictures for an awareness campaign that we will share about later, but how cute are these two together?! Peyton had a really rough month in the hospital and we are so happy she is doing better and we were able to get together to do this. I love seeing my fellow moms that are in this battle, it does a soul good to be around each other, especially on days like this that are out of hospital days! A leaf fight with siblings, a family dinner, and church today rounded out our weekend. Pray for Grant to once again do well during this treatment that involves so much isolation. His pain has been returning much more evidently this past week and we are looking forward to this once again ridding him of bone pain. Pray for this treatment to rid his body of the cancer too! Please pray for our own stamina as parents during this next week and offer praise for the visible hope that we see. The endurance you need in this battle is one you could never fathom, and this past week we really feel the renewal coming, the encouragement we so desperately needed came and we are ready to get back to fighting this battle! #GraceforGrant One step at a time, one prayer at a time.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 02:52:44 +0000

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