Just Say No to GMO ~ by Farmacist Greg The evidence is mounting - TopicsExpress


Just Say No to GMO ~ by Farmacist Greg The evidence is mounting that genetically modified foods are bad for the people and animals that consume them and bad for the environment. The argument that genetically modified foods will save millions of people from starving in the third world is a smokescreen to cover profiteering at the expense of human health. The “Supermarket to the World” pitch is a propaganda based effort to cover for bad science. GMO products are harmful to organ systems Specifically targeted by bio-engineered food products are the liver and kidneys. These crucial organs are responsible for cleansing toxins from our bloodstream and removing them from the body. Studies that show this were done on two of the most common genetically engineered products, soybeans and corn. Over 93% of soybean products on the market are made from GMO soybeans. Feed corn for animals is becoming dominated by GMO products and this genetic material is subsequently making it into food products made from those animals. Genetic Material from GMO Food Enters Our Bloodstream The Bt toxin that is produced by genetically engineered crops soybeans, corn and cotton is a bacterial toxin that is produced by these modified plants by way of a bacterial gene spliced into the plant’s DNA. A recent study in Quebec at Sherbrooke Hospital found that the Bt toxin was in 90% of pregnant mothers’ bloodstreams. Bt toxin is linked to autism, cancer, severe food allergies, leukemia, auto-immune disease and anemia. GMO Crops are Spawning Mutated Organisms and Superweeds The big agribusiness companies designed genetically engineered crops that would be resistant to one of their own products, RoundUp herbicide. That way the herbicide could be freely sprayed on their patented crops without harming them while killing every other plant. The idea was to create a monopoly over world food production. Now superweeds are emerging that RoundUp can’t kill. The response is to recommend ever higher levels of pesticide application. One result of the Bt toxin produced by GM crops is to convert formerly benign insects into pests, filling the roll left vacant by the insects killed by the toxin. We know that Nature abhors a vacuum, so into the empty niche, other formerly benign bugs have emerged to feast on the GMO crops.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 16:51:13 +0000

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