Just a reflection on this. This video depicts Momentum. To - TopicsExpress


Just a reflection on this. This video depicts Momentum. To put it in context of life, every small obstacle(block) we clear gives us momentum to snowball that little success to a slightly larger one. Some of us have the fortune of starting with a small roadblock, some of us dont. It doesnt matter. Most important is what we do with the initial success. Do we stay stagnant being complacent? Or do we take the lessons from the previous obstacles to tackle larger ones and hence gain bigger success? So what if you dont see success at your age now? So what if you got rejected by your customers time and time again? So what if your partnership with a channel partner dissolves? So what if a VC rejects to invest in you? Then again, so what if you have already earned paid off your uni fees in your university days? So what if your bank has $1million at the age of 21? So what if you own a fleet of Lambos and a GulfStream V? So what? It doesnt matter! The fun part of life (IMHO) is the journey, to keep pushing on and on and on just like the domino blocks. Doesnt matter who is ahead, doesnt matter who is behind. Doesnt matter who badmouths you, doesnt matter who despises you. Just move. We have to take baby tumbling block steps and enjoy the process. Ive learnt how to enjoy people laughing at me. Ive learnt how to enjoy people despising me(all you haters, haha). Ive learnt how to enjoy when people doubt me. And most importantly, ive learnt how to keep learning. Since life is made for success(like these blocks), why go against it? Its daunting to look at the largest block initially and the amount of strength it takes to overcome it. But, what the video didnt show is what lies inside/beneath/behind the largest block. To me, its up to us to define it. In fact, its not knowing whats behind it that should drive us all. Rather, as mentioned, the journey. The excitement, anticipation, anxiety, stress, etc. of our journey is what makes our life colourful. The more we move, the more colourful our lives get. Do i want to die one day with a story of a boring old book? No i dont. Or do I want to die like some colourful story book, that writes about this idiots roller coaster life? More probably. Whatever is it, keep moving. Something i spoke about way long ago, along the lines of Never wish for a lighter load, but a stronger back. Never wish for an easier life, but a stronger mind. Most importantly, stop wishing and start moving. *Additional Note to self and everyone who bothers to read till here: When we over plan, over think, over calculate, over predict, over-everything, somehow we dont get what we planned for! Sometimes when we just move, enjoy what we are doing, and let rewards be a by-product rather than the main dish, our tummy gets filled more. As such, enough writing. im gonna eat now.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 07:43:27 +0000

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