Just a thought: I would rather live in a country where, if I get - TopicsExpress


Just a thought: I would rather live in a country where, if I get ill or I get physically hurt, Ill get the treatment I need that is free at the cost of delivery; treatment that is unconditional and given because of a desire to better our lives and keep us from disease and illness. If it means paying a bit out of my paycheck to keep it free for me and my fellow citizens then fine. Ill pay for that based on my income - if Im rich Ill pay more and if Im poorer Ill pay less. Yet imagine that you are a relatively poor and you get a serious disease - say cancer - and you require a lengthy stay in hospital. You, and only you, will have to pay for the treatment, the bed, the upkeep of equipment, the wages, etc. A serious disease, which is caused by not yourself but the random mutation of some cells in your body, will lead to grief, despair and other complex emotions. They will mean you have to take time out of work. Then to add to all of those problems you alone have to bear the burden of thousands and thousands of pounds worth of medical expenses. In too many cases in the US (62%) this has lead to bankruptcy. Would you not rather live in a country where everyone is a little worse off to protect us all from medical bankruptcy, than a place where many will have their misery compounded by financial ruin? A place where care and treatment offered is based on economic factors and profit? So the next time you hear someone say the NHS costs taxpayers billions and billions, you tell them that its so their family doesnt have to worry about paying the bills when they have other worries on the table. You tell them its so treatments can be offered on the basis of whether are they are effective, not profitable. You tell them that a public healthcare system called the National Health Service is the best healthcare system in the world. Before 2010 its popularity was higher than ever before and now it faces a funding crisis deliberately caused to give grounds for privatisation. We are losing one of Britains most valuable social institutions people - dont let them take it away from us. Im not going to tell you who to vote for in 2015 but a Conservative victory next year will result in the destruction of the NHS.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 21:26:28 +0000

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