Just drove through Holton Road and every time i do so i think back - TopicsExpress


Just drove through Holton Road and every time i do so i think back to the 80s when it was a thriving Town centre, bustling with people and every unit in use with every type of store you could want. People didnt need to leave Barry to shop for clothes, food, furniture, whatever you needed was right here, thus stimulating OUR local economy and in turn providing employment for our children and families. It isnt rocket science that if you promote the Town to the big stores and chains then they will come! how well do you think a River island, Marks and Spencer, Top shop etc would do here? The reason they dont come is simple, the Business rates are on a par with Cardiff which is ridiculous and makes no sense when so many are laying empty!!! Offer them a reason to come here.Surely it makes more sense to let them at a reduced rate than leaving them sat empty? rebuild the economy, revitalise the town, create jobs. Same with the Knap and the Island. If the Vale are not willing or able to invest in it then promote it to companies and investors who will. Imagine a centre Parks at the Island, a water park at the Knap. This is supposed to be a tourist Town and it has so much natural beauty to offer and share! Remember back to when the camp was at the Island and coachloads of visitors from all over the UK would pack out the Carpark with coaches. Surely some lessons should have be learned from those heady days?? The pleasure park was booming, all the local pubs and clubs where too.This meant more jobs and boosted our economy. As a result the knock on effect meant local producers who supplied the camp and gift shops, cafes etc where busy so employed more people too, local tradesmen,upholsterers, drapers,decorators, everyone benefits from a busy Town!In the words of Kevin Costner. Build it and they will come!
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 10:39:26 +0000

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