Just fyi - for all my rescue, game, personal friends and family. I - TopicsExpress


Just fyi - for all my rescue, game, personal friends and family. I WILL NOT be online much or for long when I can manage it, for the next few weeks. My beautiful Sandy girl has somehow managed to fracture her ulna on her left front leg. It is minuscule at this point thankfully, but to keep it that way I am having to keep her crated for 2 weeks with only short trips outside just the two of us, to take care of her personal business. Anyone who knows us, is aware Sandy is a ubber hyper very high energy girl, who unfortunately has severe crate and separation anxiety. (from me) So in order to keep her calm, and not hurt her leg worse, I have to spend 90% of my day in the same room as close as I can so she can see me, in addition to keeping her heavily sedated, which I hate to do. I even sleep on the floor outside her crate at night in the living room. With 2 other very active fosters who LOVE to play with her here as well, it has not been fun for either of us, to say the least. We are both a little stressed out, and I am always very tired as sleep is hard to come by. I find myself trying to catch little cat naps when all the other puppers do. And yes for those of you curious I have tried to find a temp foster for the other 2 girls until her leg is healed, but as you all know every other foster is already full, most over their limit, with other deserving fur babies. So we will make do, as we always seem to find a way to do. I can NOT wait until humanity as a whole finally learns it is each and every one of our responsibility to spay/neuter, nurture, love, and care forever for our beloved fur babies until it is naturally their time to go. That is the only way to STOP the hundred of thousand of daily murders, yes I said murders, of all these beautiful, deserving, animal souls that over crowd our shelters far and wide. They ARE NOT disposable, they are not to be kept only until they get too big, too old, too much trouble, or any of the other ridiculous myriad excuses owner surrenders give when they callously drop them off at shelters to die, or just dump them on the side of the road somewhere. IF you can not care for an animal, making it a forever part of your family, love it, and give it the quality of care they need and deserve, PLEASE!!! For gods sake, DO NOT get one! DO NOT add to the overwhelming number of unwanted pets being abused, tortured, experimented on, and dying every single day, by breeding your precious pets. WAKE THE F UP and become part of the solution not the problem!
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 19:51:27 +0000

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