Just got back from a fascinating afternoon sanpo or stroll/walk, - TopicsExpress


Just got back from a fascinating afternoon sanpo or stroll/walk, through the HUGE local marketplace which is about as far away from my house here in Siem Reap as Mr. Donut was from my Sasebo place. This time I purposely did not take my camera as I wanted to be looking with my own eyes rather than through the view finder. As there were so many photographs to be taken I will be going back, and trying out my newer cameras with a daily theme. I can then share with you what life is like over here as it goes on, and on, and on. Note to self: NEVER leave the house with a runny nose, go someplace VERY dusty, and not have a Kleenex Pocket Pack in any pocket!!! I found that a smile and saying hello gets wonderful smiles and some English in return. I also am pretty sure that many of the kids I am seeing have not seen too many foreign-borns in their past. Phsar Leu, which is pronounced sarloo and means new market is a very local market. It reminded me of the local marketplace I had gone to with my cousin Stan Gray in his hometown there in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. There are numerous shops selling such variety of goods - foods, gold, clothing for everyone in the family for all kinds of situations, fabrics, cosmetics, shoes, household supplies, etc., as well as items one would find in a hardware store. Many of the sales areas/shops are but a few square yards/meters, inside a building at least 1 American city block! While there are bargains all over the place I need to learn the Khmer (Cambodian) for I am not a tourist. I live here. Please give me the non-tourist rates and I will shop at your store often. Kristin Priddis - you could spend a chunk of time here, load up a slew of suitcases and NOT be out that much money! Prices are much cheaper here than in the tourist markets in the more downtown area! You will be able to outfit ALL your offspring and their offspring! I had texted Rath this morning that the new environment had brought my sinuses alive along with a marathon nose and was taking some meds I had picked up by pantomime in a pharmacy. (And i could picture the drawers of OTC stuff in Sasebo that I just dumped!) His reply: Now around more than 50% of Cambodian will catch cold, running nose till mid November and they will catch cold again in February due to the weather change So, I guess I am really turning Cambodian quickly! Life goes on and still fascinates! Now that the house is mostly finished getting moved in to I will have time to devote to getting more done with the AquaPaks. Today when the plumber came to collect for his bill I showed him what an AquaPak is and what it does. He was impressed and could so see the need and the reasons! Makes me feel good.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 11:13:10 +0000

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