Just my two cents on what is going on in the world. We lack - TopicsExpress


Just my two cents on what is going on in the world. We lack leadership in US and the world doesnt take us seriously any more. We dont have someone who says and means what they say. Big words are not enough, because our little kid wearing big boy pants of a president is a laughing stock of the world stage. Yes, of course minions think that Obama is the best thing since their sliced bread, but the rest of the world knows. They wanted us to have this mess, because it benefits them. When the minions praised Obama for being liked by Iran, Russia and China, we should have seen this as a sign of American weakness and most of us have, but the minions said that he is popular. Yes, so is the high school cheerleader at the tailgate party, but is that the type of popularity we want? Obama is a joke, he is our problem, but a world joke. It is obvious and every country in the world does whatever they please now, no matter what comes out of the Occupier of our White Houses mouth. People said that we cannot be a world police force, but we were not. We were a leader. A leader of all the positive outcomes in the world and now, the world is missing that leader. When American president speaks, the world listens and when the American presidents throws empty words in the air, the world does what it is doing now, go to pieces. Does that make any sense to anyone? No, not yet, well, look at this situation then. Reagan spoke firmly and caused the Soviet Empire to collapse. Look at what we have now. Ukraine was and is very important for all the Republican to come back together as I understand. Ukraine was one of the key players in the Soviet break up. Putin doesnt care about communism and loves the fact that he makes money in the semi free market system, but if he can get Ukraine to come back to him, he would love to pull the entire empire back together again. That would be his ultimate goal. I think that is what he is doing and we of course have no leadership to say otherwise. When Obama talks, no one takes him seriously. Putin has more strength in his little finger, then Obama in his entire life!!! Putin is one of the same cast from those monsters who knows what he wants and got everything that he has through brains, conniving, stepping over others and not baking a pie, by becoming a leader of one of the most brutal organizations in the world. You cannot play patty cakes with a guy like that. Obama, never had to work for anything and was handed every single opportunity in his life. I have a two ways of looking at this situation. Either Obama is a fool and thinks that he can talk big to the guy who knows what he wants and how he wants it, Vladimir Putin, or Obama knows what he is doing and just wants the world to keep collapsing, as he has done with America already. My bet is on the second option, because Obama is not a fool and his level of success is far from normal of what America was built on. He might want the world to keep collapsing, so that he can come to the rescue with the other leaders. You see my point? What do you think? - JD
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 16:58:45 +0000

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