Just read this on another Face book page. T This is what the - TopicsExpress


Just read this on another Face book page. T This is what the Labour party and the unions don’t want you to know. Remember the Labour party and the unions rely on your ignorance. There may be agent provocateurs (persons that seek to discredit or harm another group) amongst us who are trying to discredit genuine people and neutralise any protests by the tenants who are affected by the bedroom tax. These Facebook pages are monitored by the state and by the Labour party, who work in collusion with the Tories. The higher echelons in the Labour party and the unions are experts at neutralising any protest movements. I use the words higher echelons in the unions because the rest of the union employees are decent people who are on the side of the working class unemployed tenants who are suffering this dreadful tax. As for the Labour party, they should now change their name because they are not the party that was set up by the unions to represent the working class poor and the unions are only a microcosm of what they used to be because they are being led by deceitful careerist psychopaths. The Labour party is now a neoliberal party. Over the last twenty years the Labour party’s psychopathic higher echelon has systematically ousted all the MP’s who had a social conscience and replaced them with neoliberal leaning careerist MP’s. The only way for the tenants to make themselves heard is to unite and hold peaceful demonstrations. The tenants will have to try and seek out, what (George Orwell once described as) the working class intelligentsia amongst themselves who are good organisers and speakers and who can front these dreadful Labour politicians and the unions to shame them into doing something substantial. The fight at the moment isn’t against the housing associations, even though the housing associations, for years, have acted as oppressive entities within our communities, the fight is against the Labour party and the unions. The Labour party and the unions, as already mentioned, need to be shamed into taking substantial action on our behalf. Even though the unions are helping to some degree, the level of help they are giving to the tenants can only be described as tokenism and therefore derisory.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 10:45:32 +0000

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