Just saw one of the most unusual movies in recent memory...LOCKE, - TopicsExpress


Just saw one of the most unusual movies in recent memory...LOCKE, starring Tom Hardy in a tour de force performance. This film isnt for everyone. In fact, as a movie, Im really not sure what even I think of it. All I can say is that now, 2 hours later, I still AM thinking of it. Tom Hardy, as Ivan Locke, is the only character we actually see during the entire narrative and the only location is inside his car as he drives an hour and a half one night from a construction site to a London hospital. Along the way he makes and receives a series of phone calls that reveal the consequences he is dealing with because of a choice he made several months prior. Ivan Locke is a good man attempting to keep his composure and navigate his way through the unravelling of his carefully built professional and personal life. The fact that he is a construction foreman on the eve of a pouring of the foundation of his most challenging project yet is a metaphor that is not lost on the audience. Im not sure how closely Tom Hardys portrayal was to the written page, but, man, he was riveting!! I cant think of another actor today who could have pulled this off. If all you know of Tom Hardy is the masked villain in the last Batman movie, get ready for a revelation. (Also check him out in another not for everybody film called BRONSON. He seems to be drawn to these single proper name titles. And he is such a good actor, I truly believe he could actually star in CHER or MADONNA and have the audience totally buy it!) If great, subtle, nuanced acting is your thing, you might want to give LOCKE a viewing. The ambient score and nighttime on the road cinematography is also top notch!! And somehow, even with the entire set being the interior of a BMW, it never feels claustrophobic. Yep, I think LOCKE just may be a ride worth taking.
Posted on: Fri, 02 May 2014 02:47:29 +0000

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