Just thought Id share my email to MLA & Mayor and Bruce Haynes - TopicsExpress


Just thought Id share my email to MLA & Mayor and Bruce Haynes reply!! On Dec 15, 2014, at 4:39 PM, Corbin Chivers wrote: Dear Linda Hepner, Bruce Hayne, Tom Gill, Victor Jhingan, I am writing this email out of deep concern for my fellow neighbors and residents of Clayton Heights. The plan to widen 72nd ave to 4 lanes simply must be stopped. There are roughly 250 parking spots available in the specific area of 193-196 on 72nd ave. Living on 72nd since my house was built in 2011 I can tell you that every single one of these spots is filled nightly and these are required to sustain the residents on the community - period. Without exception, 7 days a week, all of these parking spots are filled with the residents of 72nd to 70th ave, between 193 and 196 st. Given the circumstances of nearly every single home renting 2 suites (1 unauthorized, 1 coach) it leaves the poor tenants as the ones having to walk 3-4 blocks every night to reach their homes. Its not renters fault yet ultimately they are paying the highest price. Do you want to be responsible for making the elderly walk 4 blocks in the dark to their coach home or basement suite every night? What about the young female server who gets off work at 3am and now has to walk through 2-3 alleys just to get to her place? None of this makes any sense. Having lived right on 72nd ave for 3+ years, there has never been a major traffic issue. There has only been a severe parking issue...and to reduce it even further is ridiculous. Whats the solution? Ideally leaving things the way they are until more parking is able to be built, and then if absolutely necessary once there was been additional parking, widen 72nd and put in parallel parking in (like 192nd ave). Dont just take my word for it, there are several petitions online going on right now. parkingforclayton/ I trust you all have the best interests of Clayton Residents in mind and will do something immediately to rectify the situation. Please call me directly as I would fully expect and appreciate a response. Kind Regards, Corbin Chivers ************************************************************************* Thank you for your email Corbin. I have spoken with staff about the project and they will be meeting with several residents in the coming days to look at options for additional parking options including, finishing the paving works along 72 but allowing curb lane parking for the foreseeable future as well as additional parking options on 196, 194a and 74 ave. I and other Councillors realize there are significant parking issues in Clayton for a variety of reasons including a lack of public transit, illegal suites and lot size constraints. We will be working with the community to look at solutions both temporary and permanent. I am happy to call you and discuss further but wanted to at least send a quick note to acknowledge your concerns. Bruce Hayne Councillor, City of Surrey **************************************************************************
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 05:56:10 +0000

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