Just wanted to share that at this time Earl and I are no longer - TopicsExpress


Just wanted to share that at this time Earl and I are no longer together. I appreciate any kindness of love and support but I want to respectfully say that I in no way care to fill anyone in on details of the why and how. So please dont message me to ask details of why we are no longer together or ask to get together to talk about it. If you read the below excerpt you will understand my views on this and where I am coming from. Thanks in advance for your understanding. In the aftermath of all traumatic experiences, we have a very real need to tell our stories to anyone who’ll listen, in order to help integrate the experience and come to terms with what just happened, and breakups are no exception. But in telling your story to others, you may find yourself tempted to point the finger at everything your former partner did wrong, going on and on about all the things they did or didn’t do. It’s easy to fall into this trap. But this way of sharing ultimately won’t serve you. For until you can take full ownership of all the ways you unconsciously conspired with your partner and co-created what happened, you won’t be able to access the power you need to create a different experience in the future. And, when you speak critically and disrespectfully of your former partner, blaming and shaming them for the all the ways they hurt you, you not only diminish them, but you actually diminish yourself, as well. For whenever you share from a victimized and reactive place, you risk losing the respect of others, for they will begin feeling sorry for you rather than admire you for the wise, generous and deeply good human being that you are.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 14:40:31 +0000

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