Justin police are warning residents about three reports of a - TopicsExpress


Justin police are warning residents about three reports of a suspicious vehicle following women in town. In the first report, a woman said the truck followed her home last week but took off when her husband came out of the house. Someone reported seeing the truck in an alley near the home this week. Also this week, a woman reported that a man got out of the truck at her home and approached the door, saying he was a carpet cleaner. When she said she wasnt interested and tried to close the door, the man put his foot in the door, but she was able to get him out. The vehicle is described as white Chevrolet extended-cab pickup truck with a large bed and amber exterior cab lights. Witnesses say the truck is a newer model, 2009 or newer. The people who have reported the truck to police said they didnt see license plates on it. Police Chief Bill Brooks said investigators believe the truck may be missing only the front license plate because the vehicle takes off right away once approached. Police described the driver as a tall, clean-cut man between 30 and 40 years old who weighs about 200 pounds. Most of the complainants only saw him through the windshield. Justin residents said word about the incidents quickly spread through town. Since then, others have talked about seeing a similar truck. Louann McKethan, who owns Justin Barber Shop, said she encountered a truck matching the description while she and her employees moved into their new location over the weekend. It is creepy, she said. A white truck came down the road. He pulled up right in front of the shop and just stopped. She said the man sat there for some time, staring at them, before some of her employees tried to approach it. He then pulled out and quickly left. McKethan and several of her fellow female business owners have united to watch out for one another. They started a phone tree and are synchronizing closing times so no one leaves a building alone. We are watching out and just keeping each other posted on whats taking place, said candy shop owner Debbie Themar. Its a scary, its a scary thing. The sightings also have been discussed in nearby schools. When we were discussing it, my oldest son said, Hey, they just told all of us at the high school about it. And Im like, All the way out here in Boyd? said April Gray, who works in Justin. Brooks says police are actively looking into several tips. People who see the vehicle should report it right away and not try to take matters into their own hands, he said
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 08:44:45 +0000

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