K so the bit i didnt pick up on last time was in Dt 9:23 that said - TopicsExpress


K so the bit i didnt pick up on last time was in Dt 9:23 that said rebellion is the same thing as unbelief - so it is no wonder that both of them were revealed to me to be aspects of blasphemy of the Holy Ghost alongside unforgiveness, because rebellion is the fruit of unbelief. So when someone says that they work for God while they are not obeying Him all that does is show how much they dont believe what He says. So i am plunging the knife pretty deep into myself, because i am the first to admit i preach better than i obey - that is why the word is known as a 2 edged sword, because when i cut you i cut myself. Also in Dt 9:29 i forgot to bring up that the reference to Gods outstretched arm may have been talking about how they felt the presence of Jesus during the exodus, because of that doctrine of mine involving 98 Ps 1 & 1 Cor 15:57 that says Jesus is the right hand of God. Then in Dt 10 there was a stack of names that i didnt recognize or look up - Beeroth Bene-Jaakan or Beeroth = “wells” or “wells of the sons of Jaakan”. Mosera or Moseroth = “bonds” - this was the neighborhood of Mount Hor where Aaron died. Gudgodah = “the slashing place”. Jotbath or Jotbathah = “pleasantness”. Also in verse 10:10 where Moses said God heard me brings up a stack of thoughts - one can be that this is a precedent that God answers prayer like that verse says - Jas 5:16b The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. However because of the whole issue of me considering when God said to Moses let me wipe them out & start over with you being a test of Moses character to see if he was forgiving; Gods plan all along was to save at least a remnant of the holy people as He always has, & so the statement that God heard me asking to forgive the people was more from Moses perspective than Gods as Gods plan was always to forgive them, but in the process grow some forgiveness in Moses. Dt 10:12 And now, Israel, what doth the LORD thy God require of thee, but to fear the LORD thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul, 13 To keep the commandments of the LORD, and his statutes, which I command thee this day for thy good? K so this bit reminds me of this one over here in Mic 6:8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? - well the one we are looking at now says that one of the bottom lines is to respect YHVH your elohiym, obey Him, love Him & dedicate your whole life to Him with another reinforcement that obeying His rules is good for us. So as we should have already covered during the NT age we learned that one of the reasons this law was written was to show us we cant do it under our own power, so the aspect i learned that was here in the OT but they didnt get was that God wants to live in our hearts & give us the strength to obey His rules & so when Jesus came not only did He open the door for the gentiles to be able to get saved en masse, but also that everyone would get the point that God wants to live inside of us & that is why nowadays everyone is talking about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. So nowadays people who have been baptized with the Holy Spirit have God living inside of them & so do not have to rely only on their own strength to obey Gods rules, but the almighty power of God resides in them to help them do it - Eph 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us - Dt 10:14 Behold, the heaven and the heaven of heavens is the LORD’S thy God, the earth also, with all that therein is. 15 Only the LORD had a delight in thy fathers to love them, and he chose their seed after them, even you above all people, as it is this day. 16 Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no more stiffnecked. 17 For the LORD your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward: 18 He doth execute the judgment of the fatherless and widow, and loveth the stranger, in giving him food and raiment. 19 Love ye therefore the stranger: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt. 20 Thou shalt fear the LORD thy God; him shalt thou serve, and to him shalt thou cleave, and swear by his name. 21 He is thy praise, and he is thy God, that hath done for thee these great and terrible things, which thine eyes have seen. 22 Thy fathers went down into Egypt with threescore and ten persons; and now the LORD thy God hath made thee as the stars of heaven for multitude. K so verse 14 has a claim that we get a good deal of security out of - everything belongs to God - i normally show people this verse - Hag 2:8 The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts. - because when you tell people that God owns everything that doesnt mean anything to them; but when you tell them that God owns all the money, that gets their attention. In any case the comfort we get from this is that because God owns everything it will never be too hard for Him to provide for our needs. Also when God makes us a promise it will never be too hard for Him to fulfill it as He has the sum total of all the resources of heaven & earth at His disposal to make sure it happens. Verse 15 is focusing on the chosen people aspect of their heritage because of the relationship God had with Abraham, Isaac & Jacob - the blessings they got are being passed on to them - so this lets us know that the better our relationship with God is, the better off our childrens lives will be which is something we should have already learned by now. Verse 16 is focusing on an issue that most people dont focus on enough imo - part of our walk with God is dependent on us putting an effort into agreeing with God & wanting to obey Him. Moses isnt saying that God will circumcise their hearts for them; but that their circumstances were designed to help them do it. Verse 17 has a lotta cool stuff in it first off claiming that our elohiym is head and shoulders above any other elohiym you ever heard of or that exists & is an Lord: 113 אָדֹון [’adown, or (shortened), ’adon /aw·done/] n m. From an unused root (meaning to rule); TWOT 27b; GK 123; 335 occurrences; AV translates as “lord” 197 times, “master(s)” 105 times, “Lord” 31 times, “owner” once, and “sir” once. 1 firm, strong, lord, master. 1a lord, master. 1a1 reference to men. 1a1a superintendent of household,of affairs. 1a1b master. 1a1c king. 1a2 reference to God. 1a2a the Lord God. 1a2b Lord of the whole earth. 1b lords, kings. 1b1 reference to men. 1b1a proprietor of hill of Samaria. 1b1b master. 1b1c husband. 1b1d prophet. 1b1e governor. 1b1f prince. 1b1g king. 1b2 reference to God. 1b2a Lord of lords (probably = “thy husband, Yahweh”). 1c my lord, my master. 1c1 reference to men. 1c1a master. 1c1b husband. 1c1c prophet. 1c1d prince. 1c1e king. 1c1f father. 1c1g Moses. 1c1h priest. 1c1i theophanic angel. 1c1j captain. 1c1k general recognition of superiority. 1c2 reference to God. 1c2a my Lord,my Lord and my God. 1c2b Adonai (parallel with Yahweh). head & shoulders above any other lords too so there is nobody in heaven or earth that can hold a candle to our elohiym whos name is YHVH. In fact He is Great 1419 גָּבֹול, גָּדֹול, הַגְּדֹולִים [gadowl, or (shortened), gadol /gaw·dole/] adj n pr m. From 1431; TWOT 315d; GK 1472 and 1524 and 2045; 529 occurrences; AV translates as “great” 397 times, “high” 22 times, “greater” 19 times, “loud” nine times, “greatest” nine times, “elder” eight times, “great man” eight times, “mighty” seven times, “eldest” six times, and translated miscellaneously 44 times. 1 great. 1a large (in magnitude and extent). 1b in number. 1c in intensity. 1d loud (in sound). 1e older (in age). 1f in importance. 1f1 important things. 1f2 great, distinguished (of men). 1f3 God Himself (of God) subst. 1g great things. 1h haughty things. 1i greatness. - So He is bigger louder & more impressive than any of the other elohiym which may not give us the picture nowadays that it did back then but let me try to draw you one - for instance if you go to a concert in a little back room bar no matter how many speakers they put in there & the quality of them the size of the room will make the sound not as rich as when you go to a concert in a major concert hall that can hold many more people & has a balcony so the sound reverberates around the room more (that is one of the reasons why many cathedrals are so big, to draw more people in with the better sounding music than if they were in a little room somewhere). But my point is that if God was a concert His would sound better than any other concert & the venue that He held it at would be bigger than any other venue. Again another reference to Him being Mighty: 1368 גִּבֹּור [gibbowr, or (shortened), gibbor /ghib·bore/] adj n m. Intensive from 1396; TWOT 310b; GK 1475; 158 occurrences; AV translates as “mighty” 63 times, “mighty man” 68 times, “strong” four times, “valiant 3,. … ones” four times, “mighties” twice, “man” twice, “valiant men” twice, “strong man” once, “upright man” once, “champion” once, “chief” once, “excel” once, “giant” once, “men’s” once, “mightiest” once, and “strongest” once. 1 strong, mighty. 2 strong man, brave man, mighty man. - which is curious as it is usually only in reference to a man; so it looks like it lends credence to the thought that whenever it comes up it talking about Jesus, but we should know that this section is also talking about YHVH which is not a big deal for me as i think Jesus is part of the anatomy of YHVH (as i mentioned earlier the right hand of God) so when they are both referred to at the same time i dont trip out so much. Terrible: 3372 יָרֵא, יָרֵא [yare’ /yaw·ray/] v. A primitive root; TWOT 907, 908; GK 3707 and 3708; 314 occurrences; AV translates as “fear” 188 times, “afraid” 78 times, “terrible” 23 times, “terrible thing” six times, “dreadful” five times, “reverence” three times, “fearful” twice, “terrible acts” once, and translated miscellaneously eight times. 1 to fear, revere, be afraid. 1a (Qal). 1a1 to fear, be afraid. 1a2 to stand in awe of, be awed. 1a3 to fear, reverence, honour, respect. 1b (Niphal). 1b1 to be fearful, be dreadful, be feared. 1b2 to cause astonishment and awe, be held in awe. 1b3 to inspire reverence or godly fear or awe. 1c (Piel) to make afraid, terrify. 2 (TWOT) to shoot, pour. - So He is a force of nature like a hurricane that we need to fear literally & respectfully as many times (or at least a few) He is also called a consuming fire including earlier in this speech in 9:3 He was going to eat the enemy like a consuming fire - He regards not persons - So every single one of us gets a fair judgement with God & nobody gets in based on their reputation compared to their reality. As the word hypocrite means an actor who wears one face in front of the crowd & another at home by himself; God knows everthing about you including what you keep secret from other people & that stuff will be included when you face Him for judgement; not only how many people are cheering you on & crying your name like as if you were Billy Grahm or something. This may be part of where that line the last will be first & the first, last comes in as many people the crowd expects to be running the show in heaven will probably be sweeping the floors & the ones who live in obscurity now are the ones who will really be running the show. James said how we respect persons in this verse - Jas 2:1 My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons. 2 For if there come unto your assembly a man with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in also a poor man in vile raiment; 3 And ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, Sit thou here in a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool: 4 Are ye not then partial in yourselves, and are become judges of evil thoughts? And so there it is saying that we will respect people by their clothes & friends & jewlery or lack thereof & treat the people with the nice things & cool friends better than the outcasts - i mean why else would they be called outcasts if we didnt cast them out? But Jesus told us a story about a guy who called all his cool friends to come to his marriage but they were all busy & so the only people who he could get to come were those very outcasts & that story represented Him & us; so now i dont even like the term outcasts anymore because i never want to be of the mentality of casting anyone out; as actually that is one of my pet peeves about the word of God is the fact that 1 Cor 5:5 is in it & worse yet that i had to fulfill it more than once; because i have abandonment issues after my mom tried to give me away for adoption before i was born, i really dont like writing people off but as i said i had to do it a couple times because staying around & trying to work things out past the point where you can no longer talk to each other in a normal tone of voice is foolishness & like i was saying earlier today or so sometimes you gotta love people from across the street. There are a stack of proverbs that talk about how it is not wise to keep company with fools. Jesus said a line about how it is not right to call someone a fool that i brought up recently, but we should be able to determine if someone is being foolish that it is a good time to make some distance so that we are not caught up in their nonsense. The 18th verse is telling us about Gods character - He is fair with the people who the average person in their society is prejudiced against & most people dont care if they are mistreated who in our times would be the prime candidates for welfare. So often being a widow or an orphan in the bible culture is synonymous with being poor. So instead of outcasts i will try less fortunate - heh which is another term i dont like when talking about poor people because that is implying that fortune = monetary wealth, but if you have a loving God & family in your life or just God for that matter it is worth more than all the money in the world. God loves the stranger - well in context that means the gentiles or most of us including myself - so if you didnt know before now (most of you know Jn 3:16 so i know this sounds stupid for me to be saying) the bible says God loves you, yes you sitting over there - you know who i am talking about yes it is you! Well your friends & family & enemies too along with everyone else in the world, but the important part to us is that includes ME!!!!! Because all the love in the world doesnt matter that much if none of it is coming my way lol. At least that is how it feels for most men who are watching other people in love surround them everywhere they look while they have no wife. He gives them food & clothes - so this is pretty much directly tying into Mt 6:25-34 (but you can go back as far as the 19th verse to get more of the picture) which i would have copied & pasted but i am thinking this is already long so hopefully you will actually go read that one. But in case you dont it is talking about God providing us food & clothes. So that section in the sermon on the mount that i just gave God taught me it one time & i will save that story for later but some of you may have heard it before... In any case because the passage we are reading says that God gives the strangers food & clothes i am pretty sure that the passage from Mt 6 applies to both Hebrews & gentiles who have faith in it & the God who said it (that one was for the people who like to focus on who Jesus was talking to, something i do from time to time). As far as the issue about When Jesus spoke was God really speaking through Him? Jesus said Jn 12:49 For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak. 50 And I know that his commandment is life everlasting: whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak. (& we know that saying God said something He didnt is breaking the 2nd commandment which Jesus didnt do because Jesus did no sin - 1 Pet 2:21-22) which reminds me of one of my go to passages in Num 22:38 And Balaam said unto Balak, Lo, I am come unto thee: have I now any power at all to say any thing? the word that God putteth in my mouth, that shall I speak. & 23:12 And he answered and said, Must I not take heed to speak that which the LORD hath put in my mouth? - which i always feel like i am doing (at least while preaching) & always praying that i am doing. The 19th verse Moses is telling them to love the stranger because they were treated that way while they were in bondage. So God wants them to change their attitudes towards the people who they normally consider outcasts & start bringing them in. This is why i say that the bible teaches that welfare is not the responsibility of the government; but the church. And because the government has taken up our job in my country the church seems to be content to be able to keep more money in their pockets as now everyone believer & non believer alike are pitching in their taxes to pay for it. Is this really a good witness to the unbelievers us relying on them for help to take care of the poor? Well how many of us want to face the real issues i dunno but here i am putting one out there for consideration. The 20th verse says respect YHVH your elohiym, serve Him & Cleave: 1692 דָּבַק [dabaq /daw·bak/] v. A primitive root; TWOT 398; GK 1815; 54 occurrences; AV translates as “cleave” 32 times, “follow hard” five times, “overtake” three times, “stick” three times, “keep fast” twice, “… together” twice, “abide” once, “close” once, “joined” once, “pursued” once, and “take” once. 1 to cling, stick, stay close, cleave, keep close, stick to, stick with, follow closely, join to, overtake, catch. 1a (Qal). 1a1 to cling, cleave to. 1a2 to stay with. 1b (Pual) to be joined together. 1c (Hiphil). 1c1 to cause to cleave to. 1c2 to pursue closely. 1c3 to overtake. 1d (Hophal) to be made to cleave. - to Him so this probably directly ties into Jn 15:4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. - also the same word is used in Gen 2:24 which is the first wedding vows in history that were said to Adam & Eve by God Himself - so it is letting us know that God wants an intimate relationship with us like a marriage which is a point we should have seen many times now including about every time it says that we should know God because the word know (yada) has an intimate knowledge in it as well. - like i said before, swearing by His name pretty much means making your promises with His authority so that would include the meaning of not making promises that go against His word - Also swearing by the name of YHVH can be considered invoking Him as a witness that you will keep whatever promise you are making. Jesus said swear not at all or dont run around making promises probably because of that thought in the verse over here - Jas 4:13 Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: 14 Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. 15 For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that. - Basically people who are living their lives by the will of God have a tendency not to know what they will be doing tomorrow as God has a habit of keeping information we dont need out of our reach so it doesnt distract us before we need it. Jn 3:8 The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. - so when you work for God there will be this trip about how people dunno where you came from or where you are going & the only way God will tell you is if you are a bit more mature than me, to be able to remain focused on what you are supposed to be doing now, while you have visions of the future floating around in your head. And one time God showed me the future i was so scared of it coming true; i pretty much sabotaged it & derailed myself from my destiny by disobedience - so because God loves us many times He wont give us information about what we will be doing tomorrow. As a result it is not safe for us to make many promises because God may wind up having to change His plans of what to do with you so that you can keep your word; as a result it makes perfect sense for Jesus to say swear not at all, because the only promise we need to focus on keeping is the one to be available to be used by God at any time in any place for any purpose. But back in the OT times they were still babies & so God knew they were going to be running around making promises all the time so He told them this to bring Him to mind while they are doing it. Verse 21 says that YHVH is the one we praise which has the idea of singing songs in it so now i know why the music starts during the praise & worship section of the service... In any case i praise God all day with no music; but sometimes He has me singing for Him too, as one of the gifts or talents that He gave me was to be able to learn to play some music - hmmmm really tempted to show you now, so i will just add a link to a performance of a melody God gave me to a Psalm after i heard a cool sermon about it; besides i bet there are loads of you out there wondering what i look like (well the beard is salt & pepper now tho) - In any case the verse also mentions that God is responsible for the miracles that they have seen & should still be seeing as far as the manna (Ex 16:35) & pillar of fire by day & cloud by night probably dont go away until they cross the Jordan. And the last verse is talking about how when they entered Egypt during the time of Joseph there were only 70 of them & now it is a real pain to count them all as any one person who was given that chore would probably want to quit, which is why i suspect when they were doing it thy had teams of people helping to get it done. K so this took longer than i expected but we seen some things & hopefully learned a couple things as well; lets see what did i learn? The first thing i said rebellion is the same thing as unbelief was a good one, well that may be pretty much it for me cuz i think i already knew most of this stuff, except for perhaps some of the dictionary definitions - well in any case next time we will be looking at chapter 11 & so until then let us pray that we are not running around in states of unbelief, rebellion & unforgiveness which are aspects of blasphemy of the Holy Ghost. Let us pray that we feel the presence of Gods outstretched arm (Jesus) in our lives. Let us pray that God gives us His righteousness so that He answers our prayers & that He grows the traits in us that He wants us to have as we are being conformed into the image of Christ. Let us pray that we respect (because He is awesome like a force of nature), obey & love God & serve Him in integrity & truth with all our beings. Let us pray that we get the point that the Hebrews missed & invite God to live in our hearts to have an intimate relationship & rely on Him to give us the strength to obey Him, as this key issue was overlooked we see that they did not enter in due to unbelief - we have to find all of Gods messages & believe them all not just our favorite parts as they had a stack of His word, but the tiny bit they missed was enough for them to miss the boat. Rom 9:31 But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness. 32 Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumblingstone; - they tried to do it under their own power & had no faith in God to live in their hearts & give them the strength to do it. Now that we know that Jesus is supposed to be inside of us (2 Cor 13:5) it should be way easier for us to get to the point of relying on His help to obey the word of God. However like i said most people i talk to claim not to have heard the voice of God, & so there is no way for them to tell if God lives inside of them or not... (well maybe they can rely on that mormon line the burning in the bosom which i always thought was a laugh because even if you get chicken skin when the Holy Ghost touches you - you get it from other sources as well & a burning in the bosom can mean a bad burrito - so i stick to the word of God that says my sheep hear my voice (Jn 10:3). So while we are praying lets all pray that not only we let God into our hearts but that He opens our ears to be able to hear His voice as communication is the key to any relationship & as we went over today God wants to have an intimate relationship with you. Let us have faith that the word of God is correct & our God owns everything in heaven & earth, & having faith in that will give us confidence to go where God tells us to go even when we dont know what it means or how we will live before we get there. Let us thank God for choosing Israel as the tool to bring us Jesus & also for letting us be adopted into their family so that we can be with Him as chosen people. Let us be proud of our God who is head & shoulders above all the false gods not only in power, but prestige. Let us thank Him for His miracles, as many of them guide us just as the pillar guided them. Knowing that God respects not persons let us focus on having God help us clean both the inside & the outside of our cup so that our reality = our reputation & let us copy Him by not paying attention to the hype & being fair in judgement to all we come across regardless if we like them or not, or if they have different circumstances than the ones we are used to or not; as just as rich people often times treat poor people bad, some of the poor tend to do the same to the rich in reverse (at least behind their backs, as most times in front of their face they tend to be all nice because their hand is out asking for something). Let us be grateful that God loves us & let us pray that we only write people off who God told us to as we are to be spreading His love to as many people as possible (which reminds me it is almost about time for me to erase most if not all the names off my block list here & see how that works out; most times they forget about me & moved on, but others they will be right back in my face asking to get re-ignored...). Let us pray that we cleave to YHVH & abide in the vine & really honestly have a true intimate relationship with the one true God of the universe in the way He intended & not the way the Pharisees are preaching. Let us pray that we let our circumstances help us circumcise our hearts so that we do not remain stiff necked against the will of YHVH. Let us pray that we form a good strong deep & loving relationship with God so that our children inherit the blessings from it. And let us praise the Lord regardless if we do it with or without music attached. Oh now i get what the passage was saying He is our praise - He is our song - you know how when you are in love with someone & you cant stop singing either to them or about them or just any love song that comes to your mind? Well God is supposed to be the object of our affection to the point we feel that way about Him. And last but not least also let us praise Him for providing our food & clothes & even if it doesnt look that way to us, last time we saw that it is He who gives us the power to get wealth. youtu.be/6Nsy1P0TjfU?list=UUgX6WdKVQQWUOp5XTSGiv5w
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 06:41:21 +0000

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