KAISER CLARIFICATION WHY WE NEED KAISER (JOIN AND OWN) Just to clarify further, you can earn from your own investments and from other friends mutual funds but without kaiser you will be limited up to only 10% commission. The requirement for img to be a full pledged member is to be a member and have protection that is within our marketed products (Kaiser and cocolife). Basically we want to tell others that we are doing what we are teaching, We Walk the Talk. Also the question lies in is how can you sell a product you dont believe in? Basically, we dont force members to buy kaiser or cocolife but we if they want to do the business then they should believe on the product they want to endorse and the best way to tell them you believe in this product is by owning the product as well. After all, there is no product that we buy in IMG that will not give us a good return, not guaranteed but historically proven. Also adding to Kaisers stability, you might have already known by now that the insurance companies, health care providers, banks all invested their money in the economy their business is residing in. In our case, Kaiser is investing in the Philippine economy. There will be no guarantee with any of the insurance company whether they have been there a long time or just started a while ago. The biggest financial service (Bank and insurance) in the world Lehman Brothers (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehman_Brothers) has gone down and file bankruptcy on the recession year 2008. Why? Because their money is invested in the economy of the country they are with as well as in other countries. Nothing is guaranteed, better yet instead of looking for guarantee, look for the persons owning and running the business. On top of this, Kaisers cornerstone of success resides in the skill and experience of its corporate management, and its business partners. Kaiser draws great strength from a leadership team which thoroughly understands the company industry and operating environment. It possesses close, long-term relationships with its members and partners throughout the country. With Kaisers strong financial stability, our clients are highly secured. Kaisers Board of Directors is seasoned experts in the Medical field services and the health care Industry. Headed by its President and CEO Dr. Ramon B. Abragan, Jr.. Check the company profile at: kaiserhealthgroup/company_profile.php Also, a lot of filipino celebrity including Manny Pacquiao, Lucy Torres Gomez, Sonny Belmonte and even the rest of the congress have kaiser. The question, will they put their money in kaiser if they think it is not a good company? You know the answer right?
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 04:41:51 +0000

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