KANU dictatorship during the Moi regime is creeping back under the - TopicsExpress


KANU dictatorship during the Moi regime is creeping back under the KANU boys headed by Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto. THAT a Kenyan MP is petitioning Parliament to explain why Raila Odinga is in the USA to PROMOTE Kenya is utter non sense. KENYANS should be ashamed of electing such stupid people into positions of leadership. Prime Minister Raila Odinga of Kenya is in the USA alongside Prime Minister Frederick Sumaye of Tanzania on invitation of the African Presidential Centre (APC) at the Boston University in Boston, Massachusetts to engage political, business, academic and public sector leaders regarding Africa’s relation to the world community of nations. What is wrong with that? While some ignorant individuals who are drank with power in Kenya are questioning why Mr. Odinga is PROMOTING the image of Kenya abroad, Tanzanians are praising and applauding Mr. Sumaye for exactly that for their country. When will Kenyans with such negative mindset like that of the Kirinyaga Central MP Joseph Gitari realize that Kenya is bigger than one individual or tribe. It such thinking by those in the present Government of Kenya that make so many of us worried that KANU dictatorship during the Moi regime is creeping back under the KANU boys headed by Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto. HERE are the details: mwakilishi/content/articles/2014/03/17/mp-wants-government-to-explain-raila-us-tour-with-former-presidents.html
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 02:20:58 +0000

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