+++++++ KARBALA & HINDUS +++++++It is a Histroic fact that the - TopicsExpress


+++++++ KARBALA & HINDUS +++++++It is a Histroic fact that the event of Karbala did effect many people of differentreligions. For the past 1400 years people of different religions who reeds the event of Karbala shows love and respect to Imam Hussain (as) and hates Yazeed and his policies. People of different religions became Muslims and some of themremained with their religion but always considered Imam Hussain (as) as a topLeader of Humain Beings from GOD.Hinduism is a very old religion Much older then Islam, Christianity and Judism.Hindus Holy Book Is Baghwat Geeta. During 1986 atthe request of AyatallahRuhallah Khomini a group of research scholors from Iran performed a detail research on Baghwat Geata and submited the report to Ayatallah Khomini. Very briefly the report says thatThere is no statement in Baghwat Geeta which is against Islam and also most of the statements in Baghwat Geeta are very close to Islam. The effect of the event of Karbala was very high on Hindus. In last 1400 years the Muslims who moved from Arab/Iran to India and started living in India with their Islamic culture did effect the Hindus. Shias who moved to India about 800-1000 years ago were very intiligent in various old subjects, such as Hikmat, Arts, Methametic, Algebra, Nujoom, Build Construction and many more. Of course Hindus of India were very intligent in those old subjects. Muslims language at that time was mostly Farsi and Arabic. Hindus language at that time was mostly Sanskrit. Most of the Shias came to India from Iran. There were Iranis were expert in Sanskrit and there were Hindus expert in Farsi and Arabic too. Some of the Hindus had a knowledge of the tragedy of Karbala, namely the faimlies of Chandra GuptMoreya and his friends and fans. When the Shias started Majlis, Matam, Nawha, Salam and full Azadari in India, Hindus learned more and more about the event of Karbala and the Islam. Many Hindus became Muslims, Many of them remained Hindu but considered the AZADARI is a MUST for them. In Shia Muslims at the present time there is a good Percentage of Hindus converted to the Shias. Also in Hindus thereis a good Percentage of Hindus>>>>Shias. In India there are many Hindus who are Shias in reality. There are many in between. A good amount of Hindus first became Sunni Muslim then the Shia Muslim. This is some thing very important which I will try to explain why that happned and happening even at this time.....MY DETAILED RESEARCH ON THE SUBJECTWHY HINDUS BECOMES SUNNI MUSLIMS FIRST THEN THE SHIA MUSLIMS....HINDUS STEP BY STEP ACTIVITY:1. Hindus after learning the event of Karbala in details they make their decisin to become a Muslim. In Islam there are 70% Sunni Muslims and less then 30 %Shia Muslims.2. There is a very good possibility that those Hindus who wants to become Muslim after learning the event of Karbala, they go to a SUUNI MASJID and visit the BASTARD SUNNI ALIM AND THAT BASTARD SUNNI ALIM MAKES THEM A SUNNI MUSLIM. POOR HINDUS THEY DONT KNOW THAT THE ALIM OF THEIR CLOSE MASJID HIM SELF IS A YAZEED AND SAITAN [DAYAM IN THEIR LANGUAGE]. As a result they adopts Sunni Islam.3. Afer adopting Sunni Islam THE NEW MUSLIM follows the Sunni Islam. It takes some time to understand the TRUTH.4. The New Muslim when he/she observes that the Sunni Muslims dont do Azadari, Majlis, Matam, Sabeel, Nazar and dont even use Black Clothes in Moharram, then he/she gets cunfused but he/she is inside the Wrong group.5.THE HINDU BECAME MUSLIM BECAUSE OF IMAM HUSSAIN (AS) AND IN THE TYPE OF ISLAM HE ADOPTED, THEY DONT HAVE MUCH TO SAY ABOUT IMAM HUSSAIN (AS), HAZRAT ALI (AS) AND AHYL BAITH (AS). THESE SUNNI MUSLIMS TALKA A LOT ABOUTABU BAKR, OMAR IBN KHATTAB, OSMAN, AYSHA, MAWIYA. THE NEW MUSLIM GETS MORE AND MORE CUNFUSED.6. A good amount of the converted Hindus remains with those Sunni Muslims and a Small amount of those converted Hindus starts detail RESEARCH in regards to the Facts and some of them becoms SHIA MUSLIMS.7. THE LAST POINT: Hindus who were/are converted/converting to Muslims are THE SUNNIS AND THE SHIAS. Now those two talk to each other. Hey, I am right and you are wrong. one says sunni is TRUE MUSLIM AND THE OTHER SAYS, NO, YOU ARE WRONG SHIAIS A TRUE MUSLIM and those arguments go on and on for a very long time.ABBAS MOOSVI ADVICE TO ALL THE HINDUS WHO ARE CONVERTED TO SHIAS AND THOSEWHO ARE ON THE ROAD TOWARDS SHIAISM:{1} IF YOU ARE ADPOTING ISLAM BECAUSE OF YOUR LOVE TO IMAM HUSSAIN (as), HAZRAT ALI(as) AND AHYL BAITH (AS)PLEASE....PLEASE....PLEASE SEE ANY SHIA INTHE MATAM GROUP AND TELL HIM THAT YOU WANT TO BE A MUSLIM AND ASK HIM TO TAKE YOU THESHIA ALIM/MUJTAHID.............AND.............DO NOT....DO NOT.....DO NOT VISIT ANY SUNNI ALIM/MULLAH. .................WHY ? BECAUSE SUNNI ALIM AND SUNNI MULLAH IS HIM SELF YAZEED, SO STAY AWAY FROM HIM. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT.{2} IF YOU WANT TO BECOME A MUSLIM BECAUSE YOU LOVE ABU BAKR, OMAR IBN KHATTAB, OSMAN OR AYSHA, THEN YOU DO WHATEVER THE HECK YOU WANT TO DO.RASOOL ALLAH SAID : MUNAFIQ IS WORST THEN A KAFIR.HINDU IS A KAFIRMUNAFIQ MEANING, A SUNNI, A WAHABI, A SALAFI, A DEOBANDITHE BOTTOM LINE YOU AS A HINDU MUCH BETTER THEN THOSE SO CALLED MUSLIMS WHO ARE MUNAFIQ.HENCE, HINDU IS BETTER THEN A MUNAFIQ.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 04:36:44 +0000

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