KILLINGS OF CHRISTIANS IN NIGERIA & OTHER opinion! Most of the Northern Muslim leaders in Nigeria (in my own opinion) are all terrorists in disguise. 1. Theyre looking at creating havoc in the North so as to drive Southerners away, they forget the millions of indigenous Northern Christians who cannot and will NEVER leave the North. 2. They forget thousands of Northern Muslim converts to Christianity who will not shift. 3. They also fail to consider Millions of Northern Peace loving Muslims who wouldnt lift a blade against anyone. Thats the reason they keep mute when their foot soldiers slaughter human beings like animal. jihad in history has never been godly! It is always fuelled by satan himself. The Catholics did it in the past, killing Jews and Muslims in the name of crusade! The Spanish Inquisition is also historical! Jesus Christ killed no one and carried no weapon rather He preached real peace, unlike some others who say peace but kill people in their thousands without remorse! Everywhere you find political-religion there are also wars, killings, maiming & destruction. Look at the Middle one ever live there in peace! They die many times over before some mad religionists blow them up! Political-religion is the opium of the masses. Look at most nations that carry religion on their heads, they cant go to bed at night there in peace neither do they wake up in peace. They cried Sharia, and I say they are all liars.. they chop off the hands of the poor only, while the Muslim elite live in wanton disregard for the Sharia! Another problem I have discovered is that most Muslims keep quiet when Christians are being killed in there thousands...WHY? Are there no Muslims with conscience anymore? I dont care what religion you practice:- Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Shintoism etc if you terrorise people because your religion has no innate power of its own to work within a human soul leading to conversion, whose fruits are good character then You and your so called gods are evil! Political & blood sucking Islam hasnt worked anywhere. The only Muslim nations that enjoy relative peace are the ones that wont permit or allow these blood-letters. Even in my language Islam is called Imale (IMO - LILE) that is a forced religion! Check Yoruba history ... Tuchman Dan Fodio declared he wouldnt stop killing until he dips the Quran in the Atlantic Ocean! Why the violence at very given opportunity? I am a Christian, I may not be able to speak for people of other religions, but I could speak for my Lord, and I could boldly CONFESS that There is no God except JESUS CHRIST! I can follow Him, HE killed no one, HE went everywhere doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil. He commands me to love everyone regardless of who or what they are. He said if men dont believe what you preach, move to the next City....NOT TO KILL THEM, NOT EVEN TO CONDEMN THEM. I have Muslims in my family and they dont like killings in the name of religion! And I will NEVER hurt them, I love them like I love my soul! THE OTHER PEACE-LOVING MUSLIMS MUST ACT True religion is character and not rituals! Religious wears, e.g Cassocks, mitres, Collar, or hijab, carrying rosaries does NOTHING to the soul. Except being born again there is no cure for Adams loss!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 15:33:20 +0000

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