KNOWLEDGE: WALKING THE TALK Today, knowledge has power. It - TopicsExpress


KNOWLEDGE: WALKING THE TALK Today, knowledge has power. It controls access to opportunities and advancement - Peter Drucker We are known as the Y Generation, or Gen Y. And if you ask me, this generation suffers from a superabundance and overexposure to knowledge, which maybe explains why knowledge in itself is taken for granted. In the decades and generations gone by when people travelled across oceans to study and gather some pieces of vital information, they immediately put such to use upon acquisition to get the desired results. But now, within 5 minutes, at the click of buttons, I have access to more information than an entire society of learned fellows in the 1940s. But painfully, I do nothing with what I know, and this marks the difference between the Gen X and Y. When was the last time you learnt something for the first time? Does your accomplishments of yesterday still command so much attention that you passed through today without a tangible successful outcome? Are you so busy mopping up the water flooding your room when all you need do is to walk into the kitchen and turn off the faucet? Confronting the after-effects of inaction can easily be addressed by taking relevant and informed actions based on the knowledge acquired in the first place. In our todays world, it is those that KNOW, and Live what they know, that commands the winning EDGE in the affairs of life. If you sum it up, you will come by KNOWLEDGE. So it is not just enough to know, you must live (apply, put to practise, defend, activate, make full proof of) what you know. Because everything in life will at some point go through a test of validation. Most critics, I have observed in my studies, are not necessarily unlearned and ignorant. They are those who know, but find it hard to reconcile the possible outcomes of applying that piece(s) of knowledge to that common, simple, unimpressive information. And they get even angrier when someone else goes out on a limb and accomplishes with what they already know but would never dare to try. Dear Friend, no one will ever reward you for your excellent and ingenious, head spinning, thought provoking thoughts and intentions. Life is a judge who only rewards those who breasts the finishiong tape, and hardly ever bothers to recall those who entered for the race but did not win!! You know, brother you know. Believe me you know, sister, yes you do. What I have scripted here is not new, I am sure you know even better than me, but may I whisper this question in your ear: what have you done with what you know? The dividing line between Pastor Ibiyeomie, Bishop Oyedepo, Pastor Adeboye and you (the Holy Ghost filled, tongue-talking, mobile Bible believer) is this: they know the same scriptures you know, but have exercised their faith by putting it into daily practice. Yes, by His stripes you are healed, yet the first strain headache is welcomed by a desperate search for the aspirin container on the shelf. Please take note, I am not against medical science in any way, neither do I encourage the foolishness of standing on non-existent faith in the face of medical (and/or other) challenges. As intriguing as this sounds, I presently dont know the author of the book - Small is Beautiful - that Billionaire Richard Branson read and took transformative steps. I am sure many read that book before and after him. I am left to wonder and swoon under the weight of incomprehension as to what has happened to the others. Luck, someone passively whispers. To which I respond, I once saw this definition of luck somewhere as LABOURING UNDER CORRECT KNOWLEDGE. Until you work out what you know, nothing may work, your prayers notwithstanding. You know, yes you do, now get up and act on what you know. Faith comes by hearing, assimmilating, processing and accepting the reality of transformative information. But hast thou not read, o knower, that faith without works is dead? Infact let me add this, your claims to knowing is suspect if your knowledge does not provoke you to doing. You think I am harsh? Or wrong? Or what? Read this with me O Knower: ... they that do KNOW their God shall BE Strong and DO Exploits - Daniel 11:32 Knowledge affects your BEING, strengthens your resolve, and empowers, energizes and propels you into DOING and achieving uncommon feats and commanding exploits in your field of endeavour, career, ministry, business, family, etc. So Mr/Mrs Knower, professor of knowledge and repository of information, wake up and do something with what you know. This will save you that frustration, the confusion as to why things are not working despite all you know (and have not done). It will deliver you from bitterness and that critical spirit that is slowing taking your life away from you and restore your vigour and vitality. Do something with what you know, friend, do something!! You have blamed God, man, the government, system, the devil and whatever enough for your issues. If youd think, the stench would stop and you would breath fresh air again. For instance, you have heard about Jesus, you know His name, His history, and maybe studied Him as a course of study. But what have you done with what you know about Him? Have you made Him your Lord and Saviour, Friend and Guide, Companion and Helper??? What have you done with your knowledge of the gospel? And you Faithful Brother, Awesome Sister, you know the Bible back to back, youve won countless quiz competitions, yet the competitions have not brought completion. What have you done with the scriptures you know, because my own Bible tells me that (I am) complete in Christ - Col. 2:10. Are we reading the same Book, or you are learning without doing? 2014 is 29 days old today. Stop deceiving yourself by answering that Happy New Year greeting. Theres nothing new again. What have you done with all your supposed resolutions, decisions, I wills, and I wonts? What? 29 days gone, have you met your targets for January? May the superabundance of knowledge not choke you to mental suffocation!! Give expression to what you know, and live a better, more relaxed, enjoyable and dignifying life. I dont know about you, but I dont like stress. I prefer ease, but I have accepted responsibility to bear the engaging labour pangs of birthing comfort. I learn. I know. I do. I grow. I get better. I rest. Now that you know, receive grace to do! Consciously put those excuses to death. Hang them. Dont jail them, execute them and that urgently too. You must move forward. Great is your future Dear Friend. I wrote this note because I love you, but my love for you isnt enough. You must love yourself enough to rise up and take steps towards the attainment of your desires, dreams, goals and life-purpose. I will see you on the top, and I hope I actually meet you on the way to the place of fulfilment. Your Friend and Gods ValuedTreasure, Gideon Ekukinam +234 705 245 3983 @gidakson/twitter
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 12:29:00 +0000

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