KURT’S DAILY MUSE: “Cho-manship” March 21, 2014 What - TopicsExpress


KURT’S DAILY MUSE: “Cho-manship” March 21, 2014 What good is faith without the boldness to act it out? Boldness in the spirit is the byproduct of living by faith, even if it means you have to wait for the very last minute. When Dr. (Paul) David Yonggi Cho had 10,000 members in his Korean church (which has 1 million now), he had a debt of $50,000 that needed to be paid by December 31 at 6:00PM. By faith, he wrote a post-dated check for that amount. He scraped up as much money as he could but was very short. It was 12 noon on December 31. He could just see the headlines, “Pastor of largest church in Korea writes hot check.” His wife said, “At 4:00 PM the last plane pulls out of Seoul. That’s your chance to escape to America.” He said, “If I did, a smear would come to the name of Jesus Christ.” The bank was to close at six, it was now five. Cho prayed, “Oh, God, please come and help me.” Suddenly the Holy Spirit gave him a thought to go to the head of his bank and boldly ask him to write a $50,000 check. He thought he was going crazy. “This is absolutely out of order!” But the Holy Spirit insisted, “Yes, I do those things which are out of man’s perceived natural order. You go and do it.” Cho walked into his bank, without an appointment, on December 31, packed with customers. The Lord said, “Walk courageously. Be very bold. Act like a big shot. Don’t pay attention to anyone else, but just walk straight through to the president’s office.” When the secretary tried to stop him by asking, “Where are you going? Who are you?” Cho said, “I am from the highest authority.” She thought he meant the President of Korea and let him in. The president walked in, greeted him and asked what he could do for him? Cho said, “Sir, I’ve come here with a tremendous project, and I am going to do a great favor for you. If you do a small favor for me, then I will give you 10,000 new banking accounts the beginning of this new year.” The president said, “10,000 new bank accounts!” Cho said, “Call the police and ask about Yonggi Cho and his church. I can have them transfer their bank accounts to your bank for the new year. I will do this great favor for you if you do one for me.” His secretary verified these facts. Cho said, “I have no time to do all the legal paper work, but I want you to write me a $50,000 check right now. Many times a businessman enters a huge undertaking with nothing but faith and confidence to show that he will succeed. Small business matters need to go through the law and paper work….If you are a big businessman – and I think that you are – then you will do this for me.” The president sat down, shook his head and said, “Sir, I feel funny. I’ve never felt this kind of emotion before in my life. I trust you. If I didn’t trust you so much I would never do this. But I kind of like you; you are a bold person, and I like your faith. Bring me a $50,000 check” he instructed his vice-president. It was from his own personal savings. Cho later said, “As I walked out of the office with the check, I felt ten feet tall….I turned in the money just as the bank was closing at 6:00 PM, and I was saved” (The Fourth Dimension). “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father” (Jn. 14:12). By the Way: When you are walking boldly by faith, even those things that seem “out of order,” will bring about a large order in the kingdom of God.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 11:27:08 +0000

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