***Kansas State Rifle Association Resignation Letter - October - TopicsExpress


***Kansas State Rifle Association Resignation Letter - October 2013*** (Resigned due to issues with the handling of the NRA endorsement of Senator Pat Roberts by the KSRA/NRA.) I felt that it was time to release my letter and reason that I stepped down from the KSRA back in October of 2013. I was on the board and given the 2013 Outstanding 2nd Amendment Advocate of the Year Award earlier in the year, but circumstances led to my resignation from the organization that I worked so closely with in order to pass the strongest state-level bill in modern American history, the 2nd Amendment Protection Act. I still stand by this letter today and the NRA and KSRA has still not taken heed of the words and resulting consequences. The issue at hand dealt with the KSRA endorsing Senator Roberts in a political move that did not follow protocol or basic fairness to the candidates. In speaking out on it, I was accused of breaking NRA protocol so decided it was time for me to resign. Unfortunately we have seen our single issue entities continue to become more about politics and supporting the current establishment power structure than the will of the people. Politics has taken the focus off the issue and onto supporting incumbency at all costs. These entities want the voice of people and their member base when passing bills, but not when deciding who shall represent them on the issues. This focus on politics over issue has now led to other political entities developing their own endorsements based on their own criteria and the voting public will continue to suffer. It has also led to much ugliness in the continued support of incumbents at all costs. This ugliness has split colleagues and harmed the 2nd Amendment community in the state of Kansas. Many of my colleagues also resigned from the KSRA board due to these issues and others. My hope is that these single issue entities will return to being strong issue advocates and to listen at all times to the voice of the people during elections and endorsements. MY LETTER OF RESIGNATION: Kansas State Rifle Association P. O. Box 219 Bonner Springs, KS 66012 Dear KSRA Board Members, I regret to inform you that I am stepping down from my board position as the SE Quadrant Director for the Kansas State Rifle Association effective 10-10-2013. As you know my mission has always been to restore our state and our nation back to the hands of the people and to the Constitution. As a grassroots organizer, my mission is to work vigorously with thousands of my fellow activists around the state and millions around the nation to return our systems of government back to a bottom up power structure as our founders intended. Our Conservative and Tea Party groups work hard to put principle ahead of politics in every part of what we do and with everyone we support to represent us in our government. There are many reasons why I chose to go against the NRA policy and I would hope to have a chance to speak with you all personally in the future about the principles by which I made my decision. My hope is that one day the NRA will not just use the power of the people and its membership base to get great legislation passed, but would also be reflective of said membership and the grassroots who support the NRA, when endorsing candidates. That the NRA would give all candidates a fair chance to be evaluated, scored and endorsed based on 2nd Amendment criteria. What if you or a member of your family or another great KSRA member wanted to run for office and were not given the chance to even fill out a survey or file for office before the opponent was endorsed by the NRA? This seems to me and many in my movement to limit the peoples voice, or 1st Amendment, to somehow support the 2nd. I am a lifetime member of the KSRA, an Endowment Life Member of the NRA, and NRA Instructor and Chief Range Safety Officer. I have nothing but the utmost respect for what the NRA and Patricia do to support the 2nd Amendment and the KSRA mission in our state. She gets more done before 6 am than most people get done all year. I consider her a patriot warrior and friend that puts her boots on every morning and goes to battle for the people of this great state. I hold her and the KSRA board in very high esteem and will continue to work with you in every way to support, protect and defend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights in this state and this nation. The 2nd Amendment is just one important part of the mission I have to restore this republic as a grassroots leader in this state. However, a key part of that overall mission is to restore power back to its rightful place, in the hands of the people. In a Republic, the sovereignty resides with the people themselves. The government must be a servant of the people, and obliged to its owner, We the People. The people and their representatives in government are bound by the law, the Constitution. Other forms of government are ruled by dictators and oligarchies that do not care about the will of the people or the law. They make the law as they go and force it down upon the people. This is what is currently destroying our nation and my fight is to restore it back into the hands of the people and back to the original intent of the Constitution. My hope is that any organization that seeks to restore the Constitution and the Bill of Rights would set an example by following that same organizational structure. At this point the NRA seems to dictate power instead of being a voice for the people in some specific instances. I will admit that I broke the NRA policy, ie. Constitution, by speaking publicly against an endorsed candidate and I was very aware of the consequences of my action and very aware of the sound reasons for that action. Sometimes change requires the people to take a stand against a bad law or policy. Sometimes it takes a lady on a bus that refuses to move or follow a bad law or policy, for that issue to change. My stand and my actions represent the change that needs to happen at the NRA for the people to have more of a voice and to fully support the 1st Amendment in order to support of the 2nd. That voice might endorse the same candidates or the same policies. That is not for me to decide, but it is for the voice of the Kansas citizens, KSRA members and the American people to decide. Giving that voice to the people will only make the organization stronger. If the NRA policy doesnt change, if they continue to be a top down organization, then how will they ever expect to change that same problem existing in our political party system and in our institutions of government? Ghandi gave us a clue with these words, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” It has been my distinct pleasure serving on the board of the KSRA and I will continue to work in any capacity that I can to help you with your mission to support, protect and defend the 2nd Amendment. As you know my mission covers multiple liberty issues and my fight will continue no matter my station with the KSRA/NRA or any other organization. My fight has been to restore our God given rights and our Constitution so that my child and yours may never have to fully implement the 2nd Amendment to defend those rights with their blood. I hope to make those changes by standing alongside you and my fellow patriots in this fight to restore liberty and prosperity to the greatest nation the world has ever known. Sincerely, Robert Wood
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 01:06:08 +0000

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