Kapas Marang Swimathon is an annual event. Participants will swim - TopicsExpress


Kapas Marang Swimathon is an annual event. Participants will swim across the sea, for (the shortest distance mapped) at least 6.5 kilometers without taking into account the current. Last year, it was 8 kilometers when the current was considered. From Pulau Kapas to Pantai Kelulut, Marang. Contrary to popular belief where we swimmers swam with life jacket, participants only swim using basic gear such as goggle and swimming suit. No life jacket or any support gear allowed. This year, I will participate again. I am considering to do a short video, sharing my meal plan, training, and preparation, plus what Ive learned from last years swimathon. My point last year started as an overweight person. So this year, apart from sharing it with words, I decided to do a how-to, so that shy overweight persons out there might find some motivation(and knowledge if Allah wills) in my sharing. And in the end, perhaps joining me for the swimathon next year. :D So, heres a video about two students joining for 2011 swimathon. Last years participant was 530++. Whats for you if you join? Aside from being healthy, youll get to enjoy first-hand beauty of Allahs creation. For more info, check regularly for updates in triathlonmalaysia/
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 01:05:01 +0000

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