Kathleen Sebelius is a former governor. She has been the Health - TopicsExpress


Kathleen Sebelius is a former governor. She has been the Health and Human Services secretary for over five years. Obama kept her for his second term. He has praised her often. She is an absolute disaster. There has been -- and I mean this -- stone-cold lying about every aspect of this; about what its gonna cost people; about how available it is going to be for people; about being able to keep your plan if you like it; about being able to keep your doctor if you like him or her; about having no interruption; about having your premiums reduced $2,500. The level of lying willfully, knowingly lying, and now the best they can do is to say, Well, Obama was so busy with the shutdown, he didnt know. Well, thats some president. Thats some CEO. Thats some chief executive. Thats some messiah. He didnt know is the best they can come up with? He was so busy dealing with those mean-spirited, racist Republicans that he didnt know for three years that his health care website is an absolute dog? How stupid do they think we are?!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 22:42:08 +0000

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