Keep the Joy... My Joy come from God Every day, when we wake - TopicsExpress


Keep the Joy... My Joy come from God Every day, when we wake up, make our daily drive to work or to where we live, life will always present us with a challenge or new obstacles. There will be certain things that we have to deal with on the daily basis, like our children, family members or our spouses and Lord those terrible drivers! On our jobs our employers and even some co-workers will try to get under our skin. One cant even have peace while shopping at a store or dinning at a restaurant, because as you may already know some of the people that are employed there, that may not always be friendly and some may intentionally give you bad customer service. What I have now began to realize that life will never be perfect and to make it in this world you not only have to be strong with your beliefs, but also your convictions. Sometimes you may have to let some people know who you are,(In a nice way) and let them know that, you are not a person that they can run over, play mind games with or someone they can take advantage of. In life people will always try to test you and some will try to push your buttons, in order to make you angry. But as my late grandmother would always say, Baby, they cant eat you and people will always be people, so learn to deal with it. What I have learned to do is not to take everything so personal, because I may not know or understand what the person in front of me has been going through. I may have caught them at a bad time in their life or there may be something going on in their personal life that has them acting so mean or nasty. Thats why every day, I try my best to always have a positive attitude, to smile and to always look at life from the bright side. I know to some that may be difficult, but if you had a personal relationship with God, as I do, then you to will also be able to look at life as I do. To the ones that do have personal relationship with God, I have this bit of small advice to offer. Serving God is not only believing in him, but it’s also recognizing that we all have an common enemy and to always remember that the world we live in is not perfect. People will always make mistakes and sometimes we have to take time to understand, what a person is going through. The devil will always do his best, to ruin your day or (if you let him) your life. That is why you must always pray and as crazy as this may sound, have a deep conversation with yourself. What I mean by this, is when people make you angry, you must take a deep breath before you say something stupid or do something that you may regret. My advice to anyone who may be blessed enough to read this, is if you learn to be more patient and not allow anyone to get into your head or to make you angry, then the battle is already won. My mother would always tell me when it comes to dealing with people, That cooler heads always prevail. What she meant by this is, if you can talk to a person, calmly, with conviction and strength, then a solution to any problem can be solved. But for the people that are stupid, impossible to deal with, always leave those people in the hands of Lord. Because some people will always be dumb, stupid or ignorant and enjoy being evil. They love, drama, hate and enjoy all the evil thats in world. Some people will never change, many will always be evil, mean or nasty and there is nothing you can do to change that. Never allow a person or a certain situation change you, because it’s who you are that defines your nature. Every day, we all should wake up grateful or happy for another day, because it’s always a blessing to wake up alive. Life as my mother would say, Life is how you chose to live or how you make it. So no matter what happens during your day or night, Dont Let the Devil Steal Your Joy. May God bless you always?
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 05:39:29 +0000

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