Keep thinking they have your best interest at - TopicsExpress


Keep thinking they have your best interest at heart. Republicans: While were at it, lets just throw Social Security into the ransom note Republicans seem intent on alienating the last group of voters that is hanging with them: old white people. First consider Rep. Paul Ryans (R-WI) adding Medicare to their shutdown and debt ceiling ransom note. Then add to that the demand of 50 House Republicans in a letter written by Rep. Reid Ribble (R-WI) that House Speaker John Boehner include slashing Social Security in the hostage taking. They seem to think that making Social Security cuts will allay the fears that they are creating by flirting with default. Fixing [their word] Social Security, Ribble writes on behalf of the 50, would send a strong message to financial markets that we are willing to responsibly address our nations long-term fiscal issues. Yes, that will distract the financial markets from impending doom. Here are some of their demands for Social Security benefit cuts: Cutting Social Security benefits with a chained CPI cost-of-living formula; Raising the Social Security retirement age; and Means-testing Social Security benefits. [...] Ribble spells out exactly how the upcoming “fiscal deadlines” can be used to get these Social Security proposals through Congress. First, you increase the debt ceiling for six weeks, then in the intervening six weeks you attach Social Security legislation to a longer-term increase in the debt ceiling. Hmmm.... Lets see, what did Boehner demand Thursday? [R]aising the debt limit for six weeks in exchange for President Obama negotiating with them over their list of demands for ending the government shutdown. Because Republicans havent doomed themselves with every demographic segment of the country yet.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Oct 2013 02:34:17 +0000

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