Kennedys secretary, Evelyn Lincoln wrote that the day President - TopicsExpress


Kennedys secretary, Evelyn Lincoln wrote that the day President Kennedy left for Dallas, they discussed the Bobby Baker scandal, LBJs deep involvement in it, and the effects of the scandal on the campaign. Kennedy told her: I will need a running mate in 64, a man who believes as I do. Lincoln wrote: President Kennedy had talked and I had just listened, but I did venture one question. Now I asked, Who is your choice as a running mate? He looked straight ahead, and without hesitating, he replied: At this time, I am thinking about Governor Terry Sanford of N Carolina. BUT IT WILL NOT BE LYNDON. This news was not shocking to me. It had been my feeling for quite a while that Lyndon Johnson would NOT be the Vice-Presidential candidate in the next campaign. In fact, I had discussed this possibility with my husband and friends many times. JOHNSONs DIRTY POLITICAL LAUNDRY So much scandal swirled about Johnson that it all but destroyed Kennedys presidency. Johnson was known to have stolen elections, and history has it that the Kennedy/Johnson ticket had the election stolen for them in Chicago, W Virginia and Texas. The Billie Sol Estes scandal involving Johnson was followed by the Bobby Baker scandal. Had LBJ not murdered Kennedy, Johnson would probably have been forced from office and indicted in the Bobby Baker case. Baker was a former Senate page boy who rose to be Lyndon Johnsons right hand when he was the majority leader, perhaps the second most powerful position in America. If John Kennedy had not been murdered, the Baker investigation would not have ended. The Baker scandal would have either destroyed or tarnished Johnsons image so completely that he would NOT have been on the 1964 ticket. Johnson would have been forced out by Kennedy and/or the media over the Baker scandal, and Johnsons power would have been forever destroyed. And all of those Texas business defense contractor interests that stood to gain from the Vietnam War would have lost because Kennedy was determined NOT to get involved in combat anywhere in Southeast Asia. If President Kennedy had not been slain, the truth about LBJ may have put him in PRISON -- as his grandma predicted -- rather than into the White House. This, then is tobviously what happened: LBJ had Kennedy killed to save his political career and stay out of prison. It was just business as usual for LBJ and his little criminal group; Texas was a rough old place in 1963 and LBJ was, in effect, running his own crime syndicate. And, of course, he became president. How LBJ slipped past the researchers scrutiny isnt clear. Among a variety of many reasons, it was primarily due to and a tribute to the cover-up organized by LBJ and his good friend, FBI chief J Edgar Hoover, that the enormous scale of which has only become clear and known in the last few years. Right before Jack Ruby was diagnosed with cancer and was awaiting a second trial, Ruby sent a long message to friends that Lyndon Johnson was behind both the Kennedy assassination and that of Oswald. This was never fully investigated and became public knowledge only indirectly. As is now abundantly clear, Rubys message was 100% correct, LYNDON B. JOHNSON HAD BOTH BOBBY AND J.K. KENNEDY MURDERED. ufoconspiracy/reports/kennedy-vm.htm
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 06:54:11 +0000

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