Kevin Sabet states we need to fast-track the FDA process to - TopicsExpress


Kevin Sabet states we need to fast-track the FDA process to extract non-smoked medications from the cannabis plant. Pharmaceutical companies are currently active in this process. Sabet goes on to comment Rescheduling cannabis would simply be a symbolic victory for advocates of marijuana legalization. The goals of SAM, Mel and Betty Sembler, and some politicians are to keep the plant away from the public. Period. The opposition knows marijuana has medicinal cannabinoids. Kevin Sabet and drug treatment centers make millions from cannabis via mandatory treatment programs. Mel Sembler who created the PAC just Say No to Amendment 2 made over 95 million dollars until his allegedly abusive centers were shut down and rebranded under another name. Keeping cannabis as a Schedule I drug means millions for drug treatment centers, continued funding for Sheriff iradication programs, asset forfieture with 80% of the money going to local law enforcement, for profit prisons keeping bunks filled, pharmaceutical companies with FDA fast track status and huge protected profits. The opposition will move from one excuse to another, none of them valid, all in an effort to confuse and distract from making cannabis legal. Mean while the Department of Health and Human Services develops cannabis patents and licenses. The DEA acts as heavy security for their programs, and the FDA approves the pharmaceutical cannabis base medicines. All the time the public is lied to, mislead, and told cannabis has no medicinal qualities.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 18:31:25 +0000

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