Key lessons from an interesting and insightful dinner last - TopicsExpress


Key lessons from an interesting and insightful dinner last night... Yesterday night I was invited for a dinner at Pizzeria Mozza by a couple of friends to meet a highly successful business person who is part of a huge business group in the region with various business interests. Well respected. Well connected. And a real player. The person will no doubt be making bigger waves in the industry theyre operating in. It was supposed to be just a casual dinner, but inevitably we ended up talking shop a little. While I was sharing some of the branding strategies that will be useful for them to implement, my biggest takeaways were from the life and business stories that the person shared over pizza and the delectable butterscotch budino (Im still dreaming of it)... Id like to share a few of the reminders/takeaways that I got last night, from my own perspective, with you: - Love what you do: While most people are too focused on the super one-sided rara rally of do what you love, its also important that youve go to learn to love what you do. Billionaire Mark Cuban says, Dont follow your passion, follow your efforts. - Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is watching: A lot of times people throw around the word integrity around. But integrity is not just a buzzword. Its about your values, beliefs, your stand, etc. and what you do when no one is looking. Talking about it is easy. But talk is cheap. It all comes down to the doing... even when its hard... even when the temptations are there... even when no one will know. (Interestingly, this was a topic that I was also discussing with someone who was applying for an internship earlier in the evening.) - Know your principles and stick to them: Values and principles are there for a reason. Theyre not there for you to break them or make you feel bad for breaking them. They are there as your guiding light. They are there for you to make a stand. They are there for you to stick to them. - Calling a spade a spade: Be direct and dont beat around the bush. Have the guts to say out the truth... even if it may not please everyone. Majority of people will appreciate direct communication. Its a refreshing quality in leaders. This is something that Jack Welch advocates as well. - Customers are not always right: There are customers you want to deal with. There are customers you dont want to deal with. The person shared that there will always be difficult customers. Youve got to know how to deal with them. The person even told an old client not to buy a new product they were offering even though it was a lucrative deal... because the old client was a very difficult client. Be very clear about who you want as your client. Personally I believe in knowing the value that you bring to the table. Those who value it will come and appreciate what you have to offer. Theyll become strong advocates for you. Theyll attract others who will appreciate the value you offer. Then there are others who wont appreciate your offer. There are also others who like to create drama and make a big fuss out of nothing, to get attention... to get their drama fix. Often times its nothing personal, its just their way of living their lives. Let them go. Ive let go of clients, partners, associates, even retail customers... Ive declined people from buying from us because I know theyre going to be difficult customers/clients. I can do this because I know the massive value that I bring to the table. Im not here just to make a quick buck off you. Im here to help and provide value to you. So obviously I want to help and support people whom I like and not those who will increase my blood pressure. Lifes too short to live like that... just for the sake of money... especially when you can get money with easier ways. - Benevolence: Put yourself in other peoples shoes. Think about the other persons perspective, their feelings, their challenges, their life. Know them. Then how would you act? In business this may sound counter intuitive. But business is an extension of life. How would you act in life? Would you treat others the way youd like to be treated? And there are a lot of other powerful insights on thinking big, handling challenges, attitudes, etc. My mind was being fed with great nourishment, along with my body. Ironically, most people wouldve probably missed out these lessons that the person shared through the stories. A lot of times we need to clear our minds and just sit still and listen intently... and ask the right questions... then youll gain wisdom. One of these days Ill share more in-depth lessons with my participants and members in a get together over a meal. (Talking about adding value ;) ) Dinners like that are pretty good for the soul. ;) If you found this useful, help me Share it so others will benefit as well. And if you dont want to miss valuable tips like these, click on the Get Notifications button under the Liked button as well.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 11:56:41 +0000

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