Keystone Cannabis Coalition ask the question, Do you know who Matt - TopicsExpress


Keystone Cannabis Coalition ask the question, Do you know who Matt Baker is? You should. He is one of the arch enemies of medical cannabis in Pennsylvania and is against any kind of cannabis reform whatsoever. When the House holds hearings on medical cannabis Baker wants the FDA and other groups who oppose it to testify. He wants to stack the hearings against any form of a medical cannabis bill that Governor Corbett does no favor. Matt Baker has served in the House of Representatives for 22 years. He has no compassion and stand opposed to the 85% of Pennsylvanians who support medical cannabis in the state. His opponent in the 68th District in Tioga and Bradford County is Jon Ruth. He is in favor of medical cannabis, Defeating Baker and electing Ruth would mean that we would lose a powerful and fierce opponent and gain and enthusiastic champion in the House. To do this, we have designed a campaign flier that we intend to mail to constituents in the 68th Districtt in attempt to convert votes and potentially influence the race. Many have often said that We need to vote the bums out. The problem is, 80% of those representatives that oppose us are facing no opponents running against them. We can not vote them out this election no matter how much we want to. Some of them DO have opposition though, and some of them are vulnerable. Matt Baker is one of those that has opposition that we can get behind and Jon Ruth tells us that he senses strong voter dissatisfaction with Baker amongst the district and that he believes that he is vulnerable. He believes that our mailing may be one of the keys that helps put him over the top in conjunction with his TV commercials he plans to air in the last couple of weeks. When we put out the initial appeal we raised $500 in one day. That $500 will cover the cost of printing the materials. We have raised $90 since then so we need $900 yet to mail the campaign posters to over 3,000 voters in his rural district. We have one pledge of $200. If that comes in it means we only need $700. If 7 people step up with $100 we can do an effective mailing. Help us to target a specific political race where the consequences can have a big impact. Help us defeat Matt Baker. If we can not unseat him in this election then we will lay the groundwork for discontent in his district and let these people know that going against the 85% is going to earn you political opposition. Please donate to this mission. We have a short time to raise this money. The mailing will go out the week before the November 4th election. A link to donate will be found in the comments below.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 01:13:28 +0000

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