Kids Morning Devo Willie Mays played baseball about 60 years - TopicsExpress


Kids Morning Devo Willie Mays played baseball about 60 years ago for the New York Giants, who eventually became the San Francisco Giants. He started off very poorly, only hitting the ball one time the fist 26 tries. He didn’t know what to do. And then his coach found him crying in the dugout after he struck out again. The coach put his arm around Mays and said, Whats the matter, son? Mays said, I cant hit the ball. I don’t belong here. And the coach said: As long as Im manager of the Giants, youll be my center-fielder. His coach was telling Willie that he believed in him. This kindness by the coach turned Willie Mays around. It wasnt long before Mays began hitting the ball, and he was on his way to becoming a legend of the game. If Willie Mays had been treated unkindly in the dugout that day, his career might have ended before it started. The coach knew the power of kindness. Kindness, our 5th Fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23, is so very important for us to produce with our life. The opposite of kindness is being mean to someone, but I don’t think that was all God meant when it was listed as a Fruit. Kindness is much more than not being mean. It’s showing you care for someone that hurts, or is struggling - someone new at school that needs a friend - someone crying that needs a kind word from you. Kindness is also putting another person’s needs in front of you, holding the door open for another, helping to pick up books another student accidentally drops, or telling your teacher or bus driver thank you. Kindness is treating others the way you want to be treated. Just as WIllie May’s coach shared kindness, and helped turn the young player’s heart and game around, you can also treat a friend, family member, teacher, and even an unknown person with kindness. In doing so, you might just well turn their day or life around. This is what Jesus was after when He listed the Fruit of Kindness - and the scripture shares in 1 John 3:18, “Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” Don’t just say you love God and others, live your life today showing God you love Him by being kind to others. Pray for God’s protection over your children today. Pray they have opportunity to choose kindness over harshness. Pray they can see proof today that their kindness helped another. Claim for today the mind of Christ is with them.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 09:53:53 +0000

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