Killing Death Episode 3 By TedThePlayMaker I gave it my best - TopicsExpress


Killing Death Episode 3 By TedThePlayMaker I gave it my best shot this time and failed again Godmother I cant, I just cant, its not like I have control to this thing, I have yet to understand how this thing works Like every other thing Meph, How do you see people die? Geneva asked I dont, it just comes to me I replied Lachrymal! Your boy says he cant induce his premonition, is there something you wanna say about that? Gen, I dont... I cant... I couldnt.... Aaaaah! My head I screamed as I held my head in my hands Meph, what is it Meph? Never mind Lach, I Did that to him, he was trying to get into your head Geneva replied Father His face of concern gave way to Anger, I had tried to see what he was hiding, and for the few seconds I had tried without Gens interference I had seen that Father didnt want me mastering my powers, in fact all Father wanted was for me to have a normal life I had tried to understand why when Gen blocked me out, Now the family I once trusted was beginning to terrify me, I couldnt trust anyone anymore, One look into their heads and I see them hiding something from me Meph, theres a way to induce your abilities yourself Gen said, looking away from Dad Really? I said in surprise That would be nice I have to go Now Meph, Lach What about my eyes What about his eyes Father and I said simultaneously Im afraid hes the Only one who can do something about it.... Focus Meph, Focus, See yourself as bigger than a mere Ersedevlin With that she left, leaving the room more dead than it had been before she came, After about 30 minutes of silence, Father spoke first Meph you have to... What are you hiding from me Father? Meph Listen you dont under... Do I have to go in myself to Find out? I asked Yes! Meph... Yes, but wouldnt you wanna see everything from the beginning? And not just what Im thinking at the moment? How do you mean Father? I asked, turning my Anger to curiosity Im going to teach you how to induce your abilities at will he replied Dad? But... Sssh! Meph, its OK... to the attic now! he said as he led the way See the truth is My Father was a Nephilim, naturally he was meant to be stronger than I was but now as I read his thoughts I felt him submitting to my will like I was stronger, Of all the Nephilims alive,Descendants of Chamuel, my extended family, My Father was the only one who had an Ersedevlin child,Looking into his thoughts I could see he wanted me to be safe Do you still remember how to defend yourself? Father asked Yes I... Odragol amun te sikol Father yelled as he enchanted a sinking sand around me without waiting for my response completely Youre sinking Meph Im trying Father... I just cant... Thats your problem, you always cant when you havent even tried, Step out of the shadows Meph, youre going to die if you dont I looked into his head, inside the sinking sand he had conjured a vortex, that sends me to the basement of the house I dont like that place and he knew very well Not the basement Papaa, Not the... While youre busy in my head, youre sinking... Focus Meph Focus I was halfway into the sinking sand Any human who walked in there would literally pass out A sinking sand in the attic of a house? Focus boy, Step 1.. Kill all the sounds around you and Focus,Only Listen to what you want I was beyond half way into the sand, I could already feel the cold basement on the part of my body in it, I was terrified, Father could see it Fear is a barrier Meph, Anger is even better, Clear your mind of all things,your eyes are burning for a reason and except you love being called a weirdo at school, youd buckle down and step up to the plates I hated being called a weirdo, now I was angry, I didnt care what father was thinking or the depth of my sinking, I knew I had to learn to own this power, this ability, its now or never Ascencio Igra ilam ahiro I yelled..I didnt know if it was Anger that reminded me of a levitation spell I had read years ago or if it was desperation but I knew one thing for sure, I was coming out of the sinking sand Odragol amun tibin te sikol Father yelled again creating an even deeper sinking sand I lost it! ********************** AT THE HOSPITAL 3 DAYS LATER Hey kiddo, found the new house yet? Father asked from the sick bed, he was pretty ruffled up Not really Father, I mean Ive seen some.... Im really sorry Papaa, please forgive... Ssssh! Stop talking Meph Im getting a headache.... besides its not like you intentionally decided to blow the whole house up,Did you? I was a bit dumbfounded, Did I? In the heat of the moment maybe I had silently wished the entire building would blow up and it sort of came to pass, Or did someone leave a gas turned on? What could have possibly happened that day? Im staying at Godmothers place now Papaa, Please get well soon ...Im really... You can go now Meph Father said as he turned away, I looked into his head and saw fear and love, he didnt really care about the house, just about Me and Nevis and Mum? No? That wasnt Mum.. Godmother? Father cared about Godmother? Well its probably just the usually care, I dont wanna believe its love My flaming eyes were now hidden beneath my human skin, it was now unlike the other day at the hallway invisible to mere mortals Johnson and Everyone else he had told about my eyes the other day avoided me like I was a plague, See Johnson was the love of the girls in school, Everyone loved Johnson, what everyone However didnt know was Johnson was a total douche! They of course wouldnt know, I mean they couldnt read him like I could. °°°°So that man is a Nephilim? Does he know about it? Of course he does, No! He doesnt, Better to confirm, Id use the sedatives to put him to sleep then...°°°° I searched the corridors of the hospital to find the owner of the thought I was connected to. ********************** A few hours with Geneva is like 10000years of practice with Papaa She thought me how to study my ability which she revealed later that day that my powers are rare and only Angels, A select few possesed the listening ability, Thats what she called it, Listening! Godmother wasnt an easy person to be with, I had barely slept in days, I spent the past nights practicing on how to concentrate on what I wanted to hear Concentration Meph, is the key to unlocking your powers, As a listener, youre open to everyones thoughts,So when you open your mind to Listen to theirs, everyones mind rushes into your minds ear, I would teach you how to concentrate on the exact thought you want Godmother said This was 2 nights ago, I had barely settled in, when my training began, And Boy! Was it horrifically strenuous? First, I had to focus on turning my burning eyes from blue to red to white, then to turning it off entirely, Then I had to Listen into sleeping neighbors dreams Thoughts are like ballons falling from the sky, I could see all of them, play with them but dreams? Damn! It was like looking for a particular raindrop in the rain, pretty difficult Godmother showed me how to put a bucket and grab that rain drop and do whatever I wanted with it... Basically, Let me put it this way to you, I now knew everything about my abilities, how it worked, how to use it Go into my head Meph? Godmother said earlier this morning, too early if I may add. Goodmorning Godmother, isnt it too early to start practicing? And I got school too? If you meet Zamenhof in school, youd need to be able to.... You know about Zamenhof? I know everything Meph, Now Go into my head, the surface part, going in too deep would strain you I smiled! What Godmother didnt know was, While she slept at night I discovered a new dimension to my abilities, now instead of listening to peoples thoughts, I could walk into their minds like a room, paint it, rearrange it, destroy it, Simply put I could control a persons thoughts! I hasnt tried hybrids or Nephilims for the control part, So when Geneva said Surface I took it as a challenge I closed my eyes, blocked out all the thoughts in the neighborhood and concentrated on Godmother, Well, not just her, The guy next door thinks his wife is a fat ass and he is scared shed sit on him if he dares say it... I regained concentration on Godmother, My eyes were now fiery red as I attempted to go into her head, She was blocking Im sorry Godmother but Im about to give you the most horrible headache you ever had ...I almost said I opened my eyes a bit to look at her, Her eyes were closed Beautiful! At least she wouldnt see me switch from red flames to white I induced my abilities again, this time holding it midway between inducing and listening, I heaped tons of energy... My flames turned white, this was the stage of Listening Godmother hadnt thought me, This one I discovered myself And with resolved strength, I launched into her mind again... This time she couldnt block me I could hear her let out a light scream, I would have stopped but I was too deep now to Stop and if I did now, shed see my white flames and would probably never let me read her Godmothers mind was not like a room like other peoples minds... it was an entire City! With security guards and machine guns I didnt need a soothsayer to know she was hiding something, I mean look at her mind I resolved to get to the core of it, it took an amazing 3weeks of living in Godmothers mind City (approximately an hour in real life ) to Find the core of her heart Father! Thats it!? Papaa is what sat at the core of her heart? And she always pretended like she didnt care about Papaa? I crawled out of her Mind City, carefully avoiding the machine guns, and of course the guards but marking a few spots in her mind, incase I needed to go back in ********************** I found the owner of the thoughts to sedate Father,A nurse! Probably a Nephilim too or a Veiler, A demon but one thing I was sure of is Humans knew nothing about Nephilims,So she definitely wasnt human I smiled, put on my dark shades and walked into the rest room to avoid suspicion and of course interruption I went into her mind, it was blank! Of course, A bloody veiler, She must have concealed her mind So no one can read it, well that one was for average mind readers, Me? I was an Ersedevlin I came out, summoned all my flame till white and went back in, this time I saw her mind like a room, However the force at which I entered tore the door open...shed definitely be telling everyone her secrets when Im done with her, except I repair that tear I searched for the thought that had connection with Papaa.. I picked it up, and put it in my pocket... it was a beautiful world in peoples minds, or rather rooms, and I in my full form could just walk in and out instead of just Listen... pfft! Listener my foot! I came out! Out of her mind then out of the restroom, just in time to watch her go into Papaas ward and come out almost immediately... looking very confused I walked up to her Forgotten something? I asked No.... well Yea, I dont remember what I wanted to ... Yeah! I know the feel I said My name is Meph, Mephistopheles, pleased to meet you My name is.. Nancy Madison, I know I cut her off.... How did you...? Have a nice day Nancy Wait for Episode 4
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 06:50:32 +0000

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