Kilowog vs The Thing Kilowog Kilowog is a wielder of a Green - TopicsExpress


Kilowog vs The Thing Kilowog Kilowog is a wielder of a Green Lantern Ring which grants him extraordinary powers. He is able to manipulate the energies of the ring through sheer willpower to accomplish a variety of feats. Being from the planet Bolivax Vik, Kilowog has super-human strength, speed, endurance and durability. He can survive hits from Class 100s with little to no effect. He can also easily lift 75+ tons, and with the ring he once lifted an aircraft carrier, which weighs several thousands of tons. Kilowog can mind link himself with any of his species that are alive. Intellect & Strategies: He is one of the smartest Green Lanterns and the best strategist in the Green Lantern Corps. Kilowog has shown an affinity for creating amazingly complex machinery using the ring. In terms of combat, Kilowog tends to use the giant boxing glove fighting style popularized by Hal Jordan. He mainly uses his ring to fly and to absorb any enemys attacks long enough for him to get close enough to defeat them with his tremendous strength. ................................................. The Thing Powers The Thing received his powers when cosmic rays infected his body. Rock-like Skin: The Thing possesses a smooth, rock-like hide as a result of exposure to high levels of cosmic rays. The transformation process caused his muscles, bone structure, internal organ composition, soft tissue structure, and skin to greatly increase in toughness and density. After being subjected to a serum, he now reverts to human form once a year, which is now the only time he ages. Superhuman Strength: Bens primary superhuman power is his great physical strength. Initially, he was only strong enough to rate as a class 5. Over the years, through rigorous training and further mutation, his strength dramatically increased to the point where he is rated as a class 85. His latest rating put him as somewhere between class 85 and exactly class 100. His feats include successfully holding back a giant alien spacecraft from jettisoning from Earth, lifting an oil rig and stopping a multiple story building (weighing roughly 30,000 tons) from falling over and lifting it back into place. Another feats include holding bridges main cables together for an extended period (which support about 10,000 tons). The most impressive feat, however, was to overpower a pile driver mechanism stated to be powerful enough to push through a planet (what would theoretically put his strength in an even higher scale in the lower 100`s) Superhuman Stamina: The Things advanced musculature produces considerably less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of a normal human. At his peak, he can exert himself for about 24 hours before the build up of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to affect him. Incidentally, The Things lungs are of greater volume and efficiency than a normal mans, enabling him to hold his breath underwater for up to 9 minutes, despite the fact that he used to smoke. Superhuman Durability: The rock-like composition of the Things body renders him highly resistant to physical injury. The Things body can resist extremely powerful impact forces, such as the force of the Hulks punches (the Hulk is greatly above class 100, which makes his punches devastatingly stronger then Ben has ever encountered). He can also withstand exposure to high levels of explosives, such as being struck full with bazooka shells, without sustaining injury. His body can also withstand extreme temperatures. However he couldnt withstand being slashed by Wolverines adamantium claws, and sustained facial injury, making adamantium one of the few things that can pierce the Things nearly impenetrable body. Superhuman Sensory Adaptation: Though his senses arent superhumanly acute, his five senses can withstand greater amounts of sensory stimuli than he could when he was a normal human being, with no reduced sensitivity. This was demonstrated during the Fantastic Fours first fight with the Hulk. While the sonic boom caused by Hulks thunderclap knocked out the rest of the group, Ben was barely phased, only sent slightly back due to the accompanying shockwaves. Immortality: The Thing cannot age. The only way for him to age is by being in his human form. If hes not turned back to human or decides not to turn back to human one day a year as hes able to, The Thing would theoretically never die. .................................................. Alright the the comparisons are in, and its time for them to fight. Location: Nevada desert USA Time: none ~ professor hulk ~
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 13:58:00 +0000

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