King Henry on Arsenal, Wenger and Fabregas return The last - TopicsExpress


King Henry on Arsenal, Wenger and Fabregas return The last three years of Thierry Henry’s career at Arsenal, not counting his brief return from the New York Redc Bulls, coincided with the emergence of the young Spanish midfielder Cesc Fabregas, who was to go on to take the French striker’s mantle as fan favourite and club captain, before taking the same route out of the Emirates to join Arsenal. So Henry knows all about the midfield maestro and is not surprised that the rumours of Cesc leaving Barrcelona this summer have sparked interest at all of the big Premier League clubs. Whether the Frenchman is just being cagey or not, in a Sky Sports report, he claims to have no knowledge of where Fabregas will end up, although it seems clear that he thinks the Gunners could always use a player of that calibre. Henry is also delighted for Arsene Wenger and Arsenal that his old mentor has renewed his contract with the club, suggesting that the FA cup final win could have played a big part in the manager’s decision. Thierry is a fan like the rest of us and it was clear last season that he was not happy with just another fourth place finish. Now, like Gooners everywhere, he is expecting Arsenal to go on to better things with the Prof at the helm. He said, “Knowing Arsene I knew he was going to stay – especially after winning the FA Cup final. “He loves the club so much that I think it is always going to be difficult for him to leave this club, he signed another three years and hopefully they can be successful. “You only miss people when they have gone and then you will probably realise what he has done for the club. “Cesc is strong, I saw him coming up at Arsenal at just 16-years-old, playing with us with no fear. “He did it before so I don’t think it will be a problem. If your name is Cesc Fabregas you obviously are going to have some teams coming for you. “I don’t know if he is going to leave Barcelona but I am just saying if you are that type of player, and especially what he has done in the past in England, it’s obvious they are going to come for him but I don’t know what he is going to do.” Now that the Prof and the club are back in the trophy business, as were while Henry was playing for us, the next step is for the boss to find some of that old magic in the transfer window. But will we ever find another striker like King Henry?
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 15:06:04 +0000

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