Kingdom work the Kingdom way – Going, Making Disciples, - TopicsExpress


Kingdom work the Kingdom way – Going, Making Disciples, Baptizing Them & Teaching them – continues with all the REAP missionaries. As of Oct. 11, Fred, Cathrine, Zack/Ireene, Isack/Irene, Beatrice, Gerald & David have personally witnessed to 6, 022 souls with 1, 753 of them receiving Christ as Lord & Savior, Hallelujah! Other disciples join us for various evangelism opportunities, but our numbers reflect the individual work of the core team members or having them lead teams such as in the Luanda evangelism photos where-- from the start, disciples learn to reach out to their community. Other team members serving among Muslim tribes – Philip, Reuben/Penny, & Julia have different methods for reaching the lost as do the Ethiopian missionaries serving among the Orthodox church group. Woody Godwin (mission director from our home church in Mobile, AL.) arrives in Nairobi Fri. Oct. 24. Sat. morning we fly to Ethiopia for a week of seminar with our missionary there and the team of underground church disciples working alongside him. We’re excited about this mission for it is a great boost to the ongoing work. The training will target many of the NEW brothers who have turned from the Orthodox system to the Way, Truth & Life, but who remain undercover so they can reach others. Sat. Nov. 1 we return to Kenya and start a seminar with the Kenyan REAP missionaries & some key disciples Tues thru Thurs. Woody departs Sun. Nov. 9 after visiting the newest REAP base which Cathrine Kathuri oversees. The following is Cathrine’s report since her arrival in this new base. Greetings to everyone. You have been praying for my new mission field and I’m already there just as it was planned starting Mon 13th. A week is gone and I continue to do personal things and contacts for the ministry to get established. All is well and trusting God for the fulfillment of his purpose at such a time in Kiamutugu. This week I evangelized to different people as God gave the opportunities. Among the reached that got saved is a young man who helped in moving things to my house when we arrived at the Kiamutugu base area. As I came to know this person I shared my mission in the area and gave my salvation testimony. As I shared I asked about his relationship with Jesus and how he knows Him. He answered his relationship with Him was good because He answers his prayer and has taken good are for his life. Asked him if you were to die today as the bible says in Heb 9:27 where would you spend eternity because it would be either in heaven or hell. He said heaven and I asked how much he was prepared to go to heaven. Said he was baptized as a baby. Asked if he can remember the experience he had that day and said he went through some classes and during baptism he was declared a forgiven sinner. In mk 16:15-16 we saw believing comes before baptism and it’s a personal decision done by someone on hearing the gospel. Explained what the gospel is 1 Cor 15:1-4. Gave my testimony of having undergone the same but my lifestyle was not pleasing to God until I heard the true gospel and realized I was a sinner and needed forgiveness. From this point I made him understand for someone to qualify to go to heaven he/she must have a personal believe in Jesus as the only way who God gave to lead us to heaven Jn 14:6. I gave him the bible to read John 3:16 that God died for the sins of people worldwide but only those who believes in him have eternal life. Went through 1 Jh 5:11-13 to show him who has eternal life. Asked him what is eternal life and he said it is the life we get after our life on earth. Took him to Jh 17:3 that eternal life is to know the only true God and Jesus Christ whom He sent. Put emphasis we receive eternal life and get out of condemnation immediately we hear and believes the words of Jesus Jn 5:24. Asked if he has ever said a sinner’s prayer. Said yes in their church as a congregation. Read Rom 10:9-10 to show him that confession of sin is done individually. Asked if the process of his salvation was according to what we read and he said no. To this point I asked if he wanted to receive Jesus for forgiveness of sins. He agreed and I led him to sinners and the infilling of the Spirit. Shared the nine points of a believer and invited him to Shammah church. Promised to come on Sunday 26. Also welcomed him for Reap training on one to one, which he agreed to begin next week. He was very grateful and when I asked him what he heard from the word he said he was challenged for he had never received such information before. Gave him the booklets on Pardon of Sin and the gospel of John. Comment: Good evangelism report and start up for this new base! WE REQUEST YOUR PRAYERS OF FAITH FOR THE KINGDOM WORK & WORKERS. CONTINUE TO ASK THE LORD OF THE HARVEST TO SEND WORKERS INTO HIS FIELDS FOR WE KNOW THE FIELDS ARE VERY RIPE.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 14:00:00 +0000

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