Konbanwa minna! Here is the improvised chapter of Himikos story - TopicsExpress


Konbanwa minna! Here is the improvised chapter of Himikos story after she saves Yui! The final boss Karlheinz takes the stage minna! Warning: for 16++ readers only! May contain violence,foul language, blood, or scenes unsuitable for younger audiences. Please comment below to help me improve :D and thank you all for supporting my works :D Title: The Dark God Named Alice and The Vampire Lord Karlheinz I am used to disobedient children. This he says to himself as he sees her leave with Yui Komori, his own children defeated by her strategies-with the help of her chosen Adam...Alice! Yes, children are a parents greatest joy...or disappointment. As of late, Himiko Matsunaga is becoming more of the latter to him. His attempts to tempt her didnt work, to have her submit to the harshness of humans and to detach herself from her comrades...it barely was satisfactory in the sense it didnt weaken her the least! Now she being with Alice, the mad godchild with such ferocious devotion and love, was now ruining everything he planned for so many centuries! Yet, there was still a chance. He was too old, too wise to let such a child thwart his dreams. With his will, his form began to change... It was past 2AM when I got Yui to the hospital... As expected, it was a tearful family reunion between my sister and Father. He saw me and tried to get up, God is so great...great that he brought you from...so far! So far to save...Yui...from impossible- he didnt finish, and started coughing. Please...Father... I pleaded softly. Rest! Dont try to talk! Bless you...Himiko! He gasped and held my hand. You...did...everything... Yui hurriedly spoke, Father...! Please rest, I-I wont leave! Himiko wont leave us either-! Right? She turned to me, and I nodded. Only then did our Father settle down, but it took a while for him to sleep. Only after twenty-five minutes did he fall asleep, hold my hand and Yuis. His face was peaceful, and only did it look less old when it smoothed out from its strained lines! I regret letting go of his hand to go to the bathroom. But before I did, I asked Chesire to keep an eye on them...as well as March Hare. Inside the bathroom, Alice kissed me. Now now now, my Joker! It was his way of saying My love to me, I guess. Why so stressed, hm? Your familys safe! It isnt over... I washed my face with fragrant soap, and wiped my face with a towel he materialized. Karlheinz...he isnt used to being beaten! Same goes for his kids... So what? Off with his head I say! King said in a harsh whisper, while lion yawns in the mirror reflection. Mad Hatter sips sweet tea,eyes focused on my lips yet said merrily. Tut tut! Such a thing is mere cotton candy and cake! All melts under fire in due time! Or crunched between ones teeth, dear Joker! Karlheinz... I said softly. Isnt cake or candy...hes a lollipop laced with acid...and a razor blade for a stick to hold his ego in! That wasnt meant to be funny...but Mad Hatter,Alice, even King- was laughing! In the corner, the Nezumi-chans giggled in their chittery manner. Thats why I love you, Himiko! Alice clutched his stomach, giggled. You are so humorous! Ahahahahahahaaha! Woops! Sorry...have to keep quiet! Shh shh shhhhhhh! he hushed the rest, and then went invisible as I went out. Yui was waiting for me with hot chocolate. In her rush, she didnt realize that the Nezumi-chans were disguised as nurses. They handed her coffee, sweets, and the like. One thing about the two, they are awesome cooks. Minus the cheese, those two will be able do anything for their master. Himiko...what happened to you? Yui asked gently to me. Last we heard was that you served in the army...! Confession time. I sighed and stared into my cup...tried not make a face to see Alices face on the surface of the chocolate smiling at me. Sneaky jerk...tries everything to snatch a kiss! I...served in the army as soon as I could enlist. Trained with Uncle Olsen...and then served in Her Majestys army. I took a peek at her face, and it was intent but worried. Oh crap! Id rather face a firing squad than tell Yui what really happened to me for the past four years! But I bravely went on. Went through missions...got promoted. I retired when I found out about...when I got the call from the sisters about Fathers condition-and about you, Yui... There, my voice broke...my tears spattered into the cup. Guess jet lag and stress made me cry, whereas onions and vinegar on open wounds couldnt. My tears were tasted by Alice, who drank them as if they were the sweetest thing in the world. No doubt, later hell make love to me to keep me from breaking down...sweet Alice. Or just severe a couple of vampire heads, for the fun of it. I couldnt...all my skills...all my abilities...I couldnt stop them from saving Father from getting ill...from them hurting you Yui! Im...sorry.... My hands were held by hers, and she smiled at me. Himiko...! Himiko, you didnt fail! You saved me! You...you and your friends...theyre amazing! She stunned me with her words. No one couldve done those things, if they werent that strong! I dont know who they were... Yui smiled. But tell them...thank them for me! Oh how Alice and the rest beamed! Well, only I could see them, that is- unless they wanted to be seen. I guess they were touched, also Alice. There was a smell of gentle lavender...of freshly baked bread...warm tea and biscuits...and of a purring of a lion and Chesire Cat... Theyll get the message. I squeezed her hands. Then, I saw a flutter of wings...my eyes and Alices were not mistaken. Yui? Ill just check my bike...be right back. I patted her shoulder, and left quickly. Outside, my footsteps slowed...but I never even made five yards beyond the door where my Fathers room was. I lit a cigar, not caring who saw me or not. Didnt take long to wait though... A young doctor with long light chestnut hair, approached me. Miss? No Smoking in the hospital, please. He said cheerfully. Didnt see a sign that says No Smoking... I said slowly. Ah, but people who smoke should be outside. He said pleasantly. I didnt see a sign that says No Vampires either...but if it means it isnt around, they should be outside too. I said with a cool smirk. Silence. Then after a pause, Alice spoke. Games over, Vampire Lord! Alice giggled. The doctors voice changed, from comedic simpleton- You can never forget how His voice is once you hear it. What can I say? Its one of the most beautiful male voices one woman can ever hear! It can make a woman forget her husband and kids, or kill them... Bet he already made women do that before. Indeed, His form didnt change at all, but his face was gentle as ever. You have exceeded my expectations! Still, the game you mentioned is never a game. You are meant for something greater- Screw it, old man. Your speeches dont work on me! And your grandiose plan? Bullshit. Your twisted concept of love for Yui and your Do S freak show of kids...wont work and will never work. My cigar kept burning; I am slow cinder of irritation that would soon be a blaze to render his plan to ashes! Such impertinence...such spirit! My plan has no flaw, Himiko. He smiled with such confidence. There is. Alice smirked. You just didnt see it yet! He pointedly ignored Alice, and focused on me. And what flaw may that be, Child? My hand locked around Alices and I said. Im Eve...and Alice is MY Adam! I declared.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 12:34:34 +0000

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