Korina Sanchezs recent statement concerning her desire for Typhoon - TopicsExpress


Korina Sanchezs recent statement concerning her desire for Typhoon Ruby to hit Japan, rather than the Philippines, is a good example of a prejudice that Social Psychologists worldwide call In-group Favoritism. Sikolohiyang Pilipino founder, Virgilio Enriquez, also somewhat hinted observing this behavior (in Philippine context) by describing it as Ibang Tao & Hindi Ibang Tao. Korinas statement though isnt the first time the prejudice has happened. In fact, many people around the world think this way on a daily basis. I remember a few weeks ago I was reading an article from a certain online news organization in Davao about the increase of Indian students in the city. An External Relations Officer of a mentioned institution was quoted, and I could see her unintentionally having in-group prejudice in her statement: “But outside the school we are fortunate that no Indian student is involved in any crimes or delinquency except for those students who were arrested after they had a fight with each other. But at least, they did not harm any locals.” she said. The fact that she praised them for not harming a local over harming each other shows the favoritism was for the locals, while violence against non-locals and the persons the violence were against (within the fight) seem to be okay to happen, at least, on a certain level (level not being inclusive of being thankful for those not committing crimes). In the end, whoever you are, where ever youre from, you gotta make sure that you do not dehumanize another human being (or group of human beings) over the fact that they belong- or even appear to belong (even if they dont)- to different groups.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 14:15:57 +0000

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