Kristen Stewart Spent 15 Minutes with Middle Eastern Prince for - TopicsExpress


Kristen Stewart Spent 15 Minutes with Middle Eastern Prince for $500,000 Hurricane Sandy Relief Donation… Really? If this is true then I have a Bridge to sell you. Oh the memories. Did she not mispronounce someone’s name? Someone famous from New Jersey? I bet she apologized to Jon, right? Maybe not because she left in a rush because she had another event to attend. ;) So these are my thoughts. Kristen’s team, which once consisted of a Publicist 24/7 who left no opportunity for publicity ever, had her client back in December of 2012 do a 5 - 15 minute sit-down for money. (I am pointing the finger at you Gossip Cop for stretching the so called truth) With some Prince who remains nameless because they never caught his name. He donated half a million dollars anonymously because of her and her alone? Does this story ring true to you? Are you not questioning the timing here? Are you questioning how long it took to hear this fabricated story and the actual source… Twitter? Show us the video where this is actually stated back in 2012. Oh there is none? Has everyone forgotten this? This is the sole reason she was in New York at the time. Remember she rushed from the stage at Madison Square Gardens to an awaiting car so she could prepare for her premier in New York just a short time later. So let’s all use our common sense here. Do you really think this happened? And if there is any truth to it would a Prince who was surrounded by extremely famous people just pick her or were there really many others involved who will remain as nameless as this so called Prince? Here is a list of the attendees that did so much more for the Hurricane Sandy Relief Concert. Bon Jovi, Eric Clapton, Dave Grohl, Billy Joel, Alicia Keys, Chris Martin, The Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band, Eddie Vedder, Roger Waters, Kanye West, The Who, Paul McCartney, Adam Sandler, Michael J Fox, Jon Stewart, Billy Crystal, Susan Sarandon, Chelsea Clinton, Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert, Sean Combs, Olivia Wilde, Steve Buscemi, Brian Williams, Joe Pantoliano, James Gandolfini, Billy Crystal, Chris Rock, Seth Meyers, Bobby Moynihan, Jake Gyllenhaal, Patricia Farrell, Blake Lively, Katie Holmes, Jason Sudeikis, Leonardo DiCaprio (on video because he was filming on location), Jamie Foxx, Quentin Tarantino and Christoph Waltz, just to name a few. You know many celebrities donated items to sell at auction and some even donated their time to help like Jesssica Biel and Justin Timberlake. This was a terrible tragedy that to this day has devastated the lives of people in New Jersey. It took forever for them to receive funds to rebuild homes and some were not able to recover. Every bit helped and this was a selfless act by many celebrities to do their part. But I am sure there is always someone who capitalizes on other people’s tragedy just to make the Celebrity look better. imanonsten.tumblr/post/60867940798/kristen-stewart-spent-15-minutes-with-middle-eastern
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 14:31:22 +0000

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