LA acting coach to Teach ‘Soular Power’ Here Got - TopicsExpress


LA acting coach to Teach ‘Soular Power’ Here Got “Soular Power?” Well, according to award-winning actor and LA acting coach, Benson Simmonds, that’s what you need to succeed as an actor in Hollywood or anywhere else in the world. He brings his unusual acting techniques to Tampa Bay June 11-19 with no classes on June 14 at TalkWad Studios, 5008 W. Linebaugh Ave in Studio/Suite 32 & 33 in Tampa. Simmonds explains that Soular Power is the unstoppable power you get from shifting from ego to soul or developing your ego-soul on off switch. The actor has appeared on such TV shows as Supernatural, Stargate SG1and Da Vincis Inquest and has starred in such indie films as the award-winning short Applaud or Die, which he also wrote and produced. He said he discovered the secret to having “soular power” after training hundreds of actors and coaching them for auditions and going on his own auditions He recognized “one amazing fact,” he said. “Most actors go into an audition needing to be liked and worrying about how they will be perceived instead of focusing on what they love and how they can contribute.” Simmonds stopped acting for three years to write his book SOULAR POWER and says he is now back with a passion to be a “soular powered” actor himself and inspire others to do the same. He tells his students, Its not about you; its about what you can contribute. Simmonds is a longtime student of Hollywood acting Guru Ivana Chubbuck who also coached Halle Berry and Charlize Theron. He says that not only has he mastered Chubbuck’s technique but he shares it passionately with his many students. He explains that he also empowers students to act from their soul and he shares secrets to helping actors feel unbelievable confidence. That confidence helps his students open up emotionally and get more depth, passion and personality in their work which get results. You can catch his mini youtube acting lessons at https://youtube/watch?v=06WUiSxiuvg Simmonds also created the #1 selling 90-minute audition video called MASTER YOUR AUDITION. Benson’s top-selling marketing e-book for actors is called Power Up Your Acting Career. He promises to share breakthrough techniques to help Tampa Bay actors learn how to brand themselves and get work in LA and New York markets right from Tampa. The four day acting workshop is limited to 16-20 actors per class. It will be held June 11-17, with no class on Saturday, June 14. Classes can be taken on an individual basis or as a five day package. They include three two day study workshops and a one day branding/marketing and goal setting workshop for actors. The final day is a one day audition technique class. Auditors can audit one or both days of the scene study and audition workshop. As an auditor, you may watch the class for a small fee but not participate. For further information, Special rates contact Bobbi Hill Castings, at [email protected]. Last Change
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 18:10:05 +0000

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