LABOUR SENATOR LORRAINE HIGGINS DOESN’T LIKE THE IDP Last night we published a post about Labour Senator Lorraine Higgins who is obviously living in her own little cocooned world while hundreds of thousands of our people are living in dire circumstances. While 150,000 people were on the streets protesting against the unfair Water Charges the Senator was preparing for the Retail Excellence Awards ceremony in Galway. She posted a photograph of herself and another Labour TD obviously inviting comments. It was strange to see that all of the comments were from people who appeared to be impressed with her lovely outfit. It then became obvious that many people were also posting comments which may not have been so complimentary. Some of those comments were from people who were involved in the protests yesterday and Senator Higgins or someone else was deleting these comments which were obviously upsetting someone of such high standing. However, I was able to make a comment late last night while she was obviously tucked up in bed. This led to other people also asking questions on her page about her lavish lifestyle while hundreds of thousands of our people are living in poverty. Having discovered these comments this morning the Senator was obviously unimpressed and decided to launch a little attack on Ireland’s newest political party, the IDP. Her little attack is printed on the following paragraph – “So a new political party is established and the first communication they have with me is criticising the fact that on a Saturday night I support the largest employers in this country, shopkeepers etc by attending the retailers awards in Galway. Show us your policies, what you stand for and your budgetary proposals instead of trying to fine tune the art of trolling.” It now appears that the Senator has banned me from making any reply to the questions that she has asked. I will now answer her questions here but if I may be so bold as to ask her two questions the first one being, what connection does Senator Higgins have with Retail Excellence Ireland and the second question is, just what do you do to earn your lavish salary plus expenses in a position you were not elected to by anyone? For the record this is how she arrived at her present privileged position which every tax payer in Ireland is paying for - She unsuccessfully contested the 2009 Local Elections for Galway County Council. She unsuccessfully contested the Galway East constituency at the 2011 general election. In April 2011 she was a candidate for the 2011 Seanad Éireann election on the Industrial and Commercial Panel but was unsuccessful. IN MAY 2011, SHE WAS NOMINATED BY TAOISEACH ENDA KENNY TO THE 24th SEANAD, which would lead an ordinary mortal to believe that it pays to have friends in high places, or does it? Or is this just more evidence of cronyism from the FG/Lab government? Now in answer to her question about our policies may I point out that unlike the outdated and corruptible system of Government that she enjoys, we do have 16 points in our Strategy for Change many of which would not be agreeable to the most of the people who presently occupy privileged positions in which the only time they ever have to be held to account is at election time. Ms Higgins however is immune to this as she was never elected in the first place! Our 16 point Strategy for Change, which may sadly be harsh on the Senator and others, will be extended to include strategies on health, education, justice etc. This will happen when complete and open discussions have taken place amongst ALL of our party members, and only after expert financial and economic advice has given our members reasonable choices to make. Should you oblige such lowly people like our members, you may have one of your attendants look at our website where you will see just how we intend to dismantle such an outdated and very corruptible system of Governance. It will by the way also mean that EVERYONE in public service PAST OR PRESENT will be held accountable! As for the Labour Party’s policies, could you please reprint what they were before your party went into Government and how many of them are still in existence today. As for your comment about budgetary proposals, may I take you back to last month’s budget and leaving your Governments favoured use of percentages out of the equation can you tell us in monetary terms how much you yourself benefited compared to someone earning approx. €30,000 per year or someone earning the minimum wage. Now, when you take your head out of that lavish cloud of comfort and delusion in which you appear to reside, you’ll find that this recent budget gave more money to the rich and wealthy in our country than it did to the people who most need it! I do hope that I have adequately answered your questions Senator Higgins and at all times you are free to make any comment on our page. Unlike your own page we don’t delete the comments that might offend us and neither do we ban people from answering any comments that we make. Unfortunately we have not been afforded the same courtesy in which you make your unprofessional remarks about a new political party the membership of which entirely consists of ordinary people who have experience of what real life is like under the harshness of the austerity which your Party is so willing to support. We DO NOT have any politicians as members of our party, we DO NOT want or need any failed politicians in our party as the ordinary people of Ireland have experience on a daily basis the sorry state that politicians have left our country and our people in! Finally, may I point out that it is possibly just as well for you and for all unelected bureaucrats here in Ireland that your attitude was not widely known in October 2013 as there may have been a very different outcome to the Seanad Referendum? Kindest and best regards, Ken Smollen Irish Democratic Party
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 00:58:58 +0000

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