LAVADO DE CEREBRO DE LOS GRINGOS Y DE LA ÈLITE MEXICANA A LOS MEXICANOS JODIDOS. https://youtube/watch?v=5gnpCqsXE8g&list=PL7605C87392073B2C Atenciòn a todo el video pero màs en los 9 MINUTOS y 15 SEG ATENCIÒN A LA PALABRA DESMORALIZACIÒN es el primer paso a la subversiòn, al mismo tiempo lean a Samuel Ramos quien dijo que la educaciòn y lo que querramos en la vida debe ir acorde con nuestra forma de vida, tradiciòn y cultura,. Crear objetivos alcanzables para no desmoralizarnos y les pregunto a ustedes, què es lo primero que hace la PRUEBA ENLACE???, respondo- DESMORALIZAR TANTO A MAESTROS COMO A ESTUDIANTES es.scribd/doc/55973867/Samuel-Ramos-El-perfil-del-hombre-y-la-cultura-en-Mexico https://youtube/watch?v=5gnpCqsXE8g&list=PL7605C87392073B2C atenciòn Minutos 14 y 24 LAVADO DE CEREBRO DE LOS GRINGOS Y DE LA ÈLITE MEXICANA A LOS MEXICANOS JODIDOS. ¨Uploaded on 22 Feb 2011 Yuri Bezmenov (alias Tomas Schuman), a Soviet KGB defector, explains in detail his scheme for the KGB process of subversion and takeover of target societies at a lecture in Los Angeles, 1983. Yuri Bezmenov was a former KGB propagandist who was assigned to New Dehli, India - and defected to the West in 1970. Bezmenov explains his background, some of his training, and exactly how Soviet propaganda is spread in other countries in order to subvert their teachers, politicians, and other policy makers to a mindset receptive to the Soviet ideology. He also explains in detail the goal of Soviet propaganda as total subversion of another country and the four-step formula for achieving this goal. He recalls the details of how he escaped India, defected to the West, and settled in Montreal as an announcer for the CBC. Note the segments starting at around 14 and 24 minutes into the video.¨
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 08:29:57 +0000

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