LAWLESSNESS CANNOT USURP THE PATH OF TRUTH &JUSTICE: The jokers in Itsekiri Kingdom need to get real with solving itsekiri social,econmic and political challenges-stop being d cause of our division,learn to become geniune solutions.(p1)It is funny that people pretend to have short memories of d wrong they did yet remember d debt owed them by friends.public Notoriety is not political popularity in some itsekiri community anymore-people at d helms of itsekiri affairs should grow up.How can we truly say that we are united & honest with our people when oil wealth was d reason Eric Igban,Sony Atum(aka sony Deghele),Pa Metseagharun, amongst other unresolved cases of coldblooded murder,became martyrs in our very midst? Now in d name of oil wealth,David Tonwe and other innocent Ugborodo indigenes, Johnbull Edema and some Deghele indigenes were set up and unjustly arrested on a trumped up allegation of murder in Otumara: we were witness to how all these incident,besides d first three mentioned above, happened. Our company staffs were victim of d 3days invasion of Deghele community which led to our workers,who are also registered voters in various wards in Orere being chased out of d community by Ayon led unenlightened ugborodo youths and their accomplices? It is a fact that the Olare-aja,women and children stayed in d mosquitoe ridden and sandfly infested forest for days. It is a fact that Emmanuel Demeyin threatened to Kill Ghereje Austin after he kills Smart Amola. Why? It is a fact that Ejele,as president general,without visiting d town,signed a publication dated 5th of November 2012even without investigating d incident at Otumara. What is his interest? It is a fact that d Olareaja published a rebuttal and ordered Ejele to explain his irresponsible behaviour,which encouraged d invasion,destruction and desecration of Deghele community. It is a fact that Johnbull Edema,a Democrat, has ceased being president of d proscribed Deghele youth since 2013. It is a fact that Ekins and Emmanuel Demeyin blocked Hon Gollys ubeji residence. It is a fact that i was threatened severally by unknown army captain. It is a fact that Suru Ogunyele (aka suru diden) threatened to killme,even to d hearing of no less a figure than d Olare-aja of Deghele,Pa S.Amola and d community secretary. It is a fact that Tuoyo Adana Faka threatened me under d Fbk alias of Felix demeyin,his english name. Why should an election of d youth in an itsekiri community be of interest to a selected few? Are they not undermining d authority and traditions of their ancestors. Are these people not indigenes of dis community called Deghele? Who is afraid of being exposed? What is d level of development of dis community in relation to its accruable resources,and what is d contributions of Ejele as community oil politician in Deghele. I challenge him to openly tell the world what he has given as enduring leagacy of his almost 9yr as IDUs president. I challenge anyone to an open debate in Orere Ward 8 politics and leadership at their own time, venue and date to propose or oppose d motion that Ejele is not a leader in PDP Orere Ward. Hes a PDP leader in his political ward in Warri North Lga of Delta state, and should as Board member representing itsekiri ethnic nation on d Desopadec board,if he knows what mainstream national politics really means, confer with every stakeholder if the unity,growth and progress of PDP as Party is his primary objevtive.Let me say this without fear of contradiction: Warri South West LGA is not Warri North LGA,so d rule of democracy makes it expedient for a voter to only registered in a unit of a ward in a community of a LGA. even if he/she is maternally or paternally from either LGAS,it bcomes fraudulent to be tom and jerry in both LGAS. Itsekiris should consider the adverse political effect this tom and Jerry attitude has hrought on the development of our people. Join me in the advocacy for itsekiris to formally make a presentation to the DELTA STATE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY to invoke d law on multiple office holders as it concern those holding public offices in various commnity as presidents or chairmen.I have enough evidence to prove that all comminity oil presidents/youth presidents are erronrously considered Itsekiri leaders, so where is the Olare-aja(community head) & council of elders? Ejele is d leader of Deghele people bcos of his spurious claim to being president of Iye Descendant Union. Where is Hon Emmanuel Oritseweyinmi Golly,myself and others if we go by DSIEC Ward structure? Where is Hon Samuel Oligida,Hon David Opopo Atikpekpe,David Oligida,Simeon Illuwa and others if we go by d federal ward structure? We didnt work with or voted for Ejele but our votes for His excellency gave rise to his appointment as board member in Desopadec. He must respect that. It is unacceptable to me and Orere leadership to claim that Ejele was appointed bcos he is from Deghele community or d president of Iye Descendant Union. He was d prerogative of our governor and nobody opposed until now; i do with reasons. I refer Ejele to my speech to him/those present at the meeting Orere ward leaders had with him in his sapele residence on d 9th sept 2012;only four of us spoke to him-I spoke after Simeon K. Illuwa,while Johnbull Edema and Hon Esigie Omamofe took turns repectively.He should have known then that i also know my rights,not just as an Itsekiri man,but a person with the people as my primary interest priority.I can go on endlessy about d impersonal nature of my relationship with Hon Michael Diden,yet facts are not hints,so any one who is unhappy with what we know is free to try his/her luck in accordance with the rule of law. Unfortunately, recent events after an election i only observed was won and lost, some deghele youths who are neophytes and sucklings in politics seem to be weeping more than d bereaved. I am me anywhere,day or time.Itsekiris need to ask the following questions.1. What happened in 2011?, 2012?,2013? What is happening in 2014 and if it would affect the impending 2015?As an individual, i and alot of itsekiris are well informed of d situation at hand, economically and poltically,so i ask this rational question; on whose side are u in a kingdom that is now more divided than it has ever been? People have foolishly equated themselves to deities bcos they never dreamt of d earthly heaven they now live in at the rxpense and detriment of their people/communities.This is a fundamental reason why alot of people can not reliquish political power at community oil politics level;bcos they are unknown popular,so being chairmen appears to be their only leverage and link to fame,fortune, respect and power. remove them from being oil representatives of their communities,ud surprised at d shattered figure they portray.Itsekiris knows those that can be classified as potential leaders-i doubt if 10% of our community representatives would make d list. Leader do not force their ideas and opinion on people; He negotiate rather than oppress,he listens rather than suppress,he is humane rather than aggressive and above all he/she must be spiritually and physically selfless as an Itsekiri,with d king people and kingdom interest at heart. If u Take d king and leave d oeople and kingdom; you are just a hyocrite-the three must stand for u to be a patriot noble enough to carry d tag of leadership.democracy is broad and some of us know its universal ideology.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Feb 2014 12:56:03 +0000

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