LEADING INDIA HEALTH CARE So often we hear parents on the - TopicsExpress


LEADING INDIA HEALTH CARE So often we hear parents on the playground complaining that their kid has yet another runny nose. Often that statement is followed by, Im sure my kid got it from that other kid in her class that had a running nose last week... While that may be true, the more important question to contemplate is, why might your kid have been susceptible to the runny nose kid from last week in the first place? There is an abundance of preventative measures you can apply to your childrens everyday life that will build their immunity, decrease mucus--where many illnesses and bacteria grow and breed--and make your life less about nose blowing and trips to the pharmacy, and more about what your child loves to do, PLAY! Here are a few practical tips for keeping you and your family unclogged and feeling vibrant for 2007 and beyond: 1. Eat more wholesome snacks. Instead of feeding your kids processed prepackaged foods high in additives, preservatives, sugar, salt, fat and dairy, all of which are hard for your child to process fully and create excess mucus, try giving them more whole foods such as fruit, veggies and grains. While the change in diet will be tough at first, you will find more success and less whining from your child if you integrate whole foods slowly into your childs breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, and make it fun. 2. Be a good example. Further reinforce eating more wholesomely by being a good role model. Children love to imitate their parents. If you tell your child to eat an apple for a snack, but then you have chips, they are not going to be happy. But if you eat an apple for a snack, and practice what you preach, your child will be more likely to eat one as well. The key is teaching good eating habits from the beginning and exposing your children to the joys of eating well. 3. Eat more basil. Basil is a delicious, powerful herb that has been used for centuries to counteract and regulate mucus production. Eating fresh basil may be too strong for your child, but there are many ways to incorporate it into your home cooked meals. Add fresh chopped basil to your tomato sauces, put pesto on your kids pizza and make a game out of how green it is, or food process it into soups and stews. 4. Say no to ice. Seems like a nit picky detail, but it is really key to building immunity, supporting sound digestion and decreasing mucus buildup. Ice cold drinks straight from the refrigerator are very jarring for your body to handle. Our bodies by nature are set at around 98 degrees. When your child guzzles down a cold drink that is much colder than 98 degrees, their body goes into shock mode. Over taxing their bodies with cold beverages makes their systems work in overdrive, lessening their immune systems chances of fighting off the germ he or she picked up at school. You have to choose your battles wisely! 5. Get out and play! Encouraging your child to go outside and play for at least 20 minutes after school is a great way to get them fresh air and get their bodies moving. The more kids sit around playing video games all afternoon, the less they activate their lymphatic system which is responsible for moving toxins out of the body. Also, the more they run out excess energy, the better they will sleep at night! 6. Bundle up. This may sound like your grandmother talking, but weve all seen how many kids go out to play under dressed and exposed to the elements. On colder days insist on wearing hats and mittens to keep your childs fragile body warm. They may say that they feel hot, but if their sweat freezes they are more likely to get cold and sick. Again, you must set a good example and do the same! 7. Stay clean with clean products. The chemicals that we use to clean our homes and bodies are full of toxic materials. Traces of these toxins are constantly in contact with our little ones who spend the majority of their time on the floor playing. Although keeping dust and germs at bay is a good thing, sometimes the products
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 09:22:20 +0000

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