LED SOMEONE TO CHRIST IN KROGER PARKING LOT TODAY !!!!! Well.. thank you to all who are praying and encouraging ! : ) I was running errands today and as passed the Kroger parking lot I heard the Lord speak to me in that still quiet voice saying go give out tracts right now at Kroger .. After debating with Him for quarter mile or so I turned around and headed back... When I got there I parked and got tracts and noticed a young man hurriedly going to get in his car and God saying speak to him... well, I thought Lord hes leaving and I headed to a couple of other cars closer to me , put a tract on them and then saw that the young man was still in his car and actually had his door open. When I got to him I introduced myself and handed him the tract and told him it was a little bit out of the Bible for him to read. He seemed very interested so I kept talking and before I knew it , I realized I had talked for about 5 minutes straight and he was still listening very intently. While talking to him, I had the thought that he was going to accept Christ. When I stopped and we began talking back and forth again, he told me that his name was Emmanuel and we talked about the meaning of his name some, which is God with us. And then it got exciting!! He went on to tell me that had just come from the mall where a man he did not know had come up to him and told him that God is interested in you... and God bless you and then he went on his way. He said he thought about it and was not sure what to think but then kind of dismissed it. Then Emmanuel went to visit his Mom and she had a friend of hers there visiting from Church and they talked to Emmanuel about God and prayed for him. That got him to thinking again... and then he decided to help his girlfriend by getting some things for her at the Dollar Store by Kroger while she was at work. And thats when he was approached by me ... coincidence ?? He didnt think so.. and I didnt either! So, we read the tract together , and then he said he was ready to pray the prayer of salvation to receive Christ as his savior !! He did. Of course , none of us should be surprised at how God almost literally chased down this 25 yr old man today who was ready to give his heart to the Lord. Our God is love. Our God is patience. Our God is relentless !! : )
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 01:21:51 +0000

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