LET SLEEPING DOGS LIE, in fear of creating Greater problems or - TopicsExpress


LET SLEEPING DOGS LIE, in fear of creating Greater problems or complexities. Both these mens Mentalities, Obama and Castro, would much rather DESTROY a thing, than not have it themselves, to DO with it AS THEY WILL, OR WISH. There is no end or limit, to what psychopaths WILL TO DO, FOR WHAT THEY WANT FOR THEMSELVES, nor how many or how long OTHERS must SUFFER IT. WHAT ABOUT THE SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE??? Guess this regime will USE ANYTHING POSSIBLE TO MAKE HAPPEN, WHAT THEY DESIRE. To bring IN the influence of the Catholic Belief System, tells us Obama does NOT BELIEVE Catholics are Christians, OR more in How HE DOES NOT COME UNDER the laws of his own belief system TO ROOT OUT OR DISPOSE OF THE INFLUENCE OF CHRISTIANS THAT ARE OBSTACLES IN HIS OWN POWER. (think Romans, and the IDEALS of the Day, when Jesus the Jewish MAN, was put to death) Think of the Jewish People in Cuba, being USED to flaunt the Power of a Dictator, and place THEMSELVES at risk of great harm). Remember it was the Jewish sect of people, the Feds sent Gross to supply with an undetectable Internet System under the guise or IMAGE of goodness. HOW DID THEY THINK CASTRO WOULD RESPOND.????? How do we think or know, Castro will or would deal with the Jews. OBAMA RESPECTS NO MANS LAW, BUT HIS OWN!!! HE BEIEVES HIM-E-L-F TO BE THE LAW, IN ALL HIS GLORY AND OMNIPOTENCE AND HIGHER STATE OF SUPREME BEING. The Cubans are already a divided people, those who suck up, those who cant get out and those who risked there lives to get out. Too many families have endured and are enduring the Hell and Deprivation of the Castro family, Pitting them all against each other and literally holding a massive amount of people hostage, against there will, However they are a strong, resilient, and improvising people, who work together, as a whole , for survival not knowing what minute Castro could come knocking on there door, saying get out, I want all you have so managed to earn and scrape together with the life, I allow you to have. Its the JUSTICE of the communistic mindset, inflicted upon them. Dont think any of several generations back, in our Nation, dont remember the visions of peoples homes being plundered and LOST TO THE CASTORS IDEALS. IDEALS THAT SERVE CASTRO AND HIS KIND, VERY WELL, and the people can go to HELL, because they wont go anywhere else, unless its jail or there graves, At the Castros and there ELITE MINIONS hands, who SOLD ,AND SELLS OUT THE PEOPLE. No guns to protect themselves, no Laws that will protect them, being enforced, No Justice system that is JUST AND LAND LOCKED, BY THE VICIOUS FURY OF AN OCEAN, Yet deliberately forced into positions necessary in Castros eyes, or Paying the price of there very souls to HAVE a position, according to favor being unprepared, unqualified, and insufficient as the over dominating brutality of the Castros DEEM for All. things for all people. As all things are determined by impersonal TESTS of aptitude, in complete ignoring of The very Spirit of Mankind, the Passion, drive and Desires, that transform them to succeed, and accomplish there Hearts Desires. Thus is the passion of the heart and the WILL of the Mind, All Dictators must DEFEAT, OVERCOM OR ELEMINATE, that wont submit there own will and passions to HIS ORDERING of THE Nation, AS PLEASES HIM. I will REMIND YOU, 5 YEARS OF WAITING, FOR A REFRIDGERATOR, IN THE HEAT OF THE LAND. Still only the ingenious improvising to keep a 50 year old car running and the daunting Spirit of the General population, have survived, even losing member after member of the family Line, in there driving Passion, to leave. suffering more than those left behind, from the guilt of leaving them behind. I just pray, when Castros greed to Control all things and all People of the Land, defeats Obamas New Greed to rewrite History to represent him in a New Light, devised for his own ELEVATION, that Obama WLL not enlist his Drones, to force His WILL on Castro, who like all people of abominations against God and Man, he too, will HIDE AMONG THE PEOPLE, making those who would TAKE BY FORCE, his POWER AWAY, (AS HE DONE HIMSELF TO ATTAIN IT, APPEAR. I believe both men have the mentality and heart, that IF THEY CANT HAVE IT (what they desire) THEY WOULD RATHER DESTORY IT THAN SEE IT LEAVE HIS MERCENAIRY POTENTIAL OF HAVING.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 13:13:25 +0000

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