LIEFS RANT ON HEALTHCARE... Yes, healthcare is broken in the U.S. - TopicsExpress


LIEFS RANT ON HEALTHCARE... Yes, healthcare is broken in the U.S. Obamas intentions were in the right place at the start, but changing tires on the car while driving 100 MPH has gotten us into this mess and it just gets worse every month. Almost a decade ago I edited a book on using Toyota Lean Management practices to fix healthcare, yet all the same issues inventoried then remain the plague of our current healthcare system (reform?). I talked with the father of a family of four today. His wifes employer picks up half their cost of insurance and for his family of 4, he still pays $1,100 in out-of-pocket every month. Fully adjusted, the total cost of ownership of this healthcare plan is over $26,000 for the year. How did things get so out of whack? Who has that kind of money? And for us - people who are almost always healthy - isnt healthcare a form of a bet that well get sick? Or, in other words, a bet against our own ability to preserve our own health through healthy living and a bit of luck with our highway driving? If I wanted to put my $700 for family healthcare into a non-HSA bank account every month where the funds are under my control, Id have to pay an Obamacare $325 penalty for 2015 and that goes up to $695 for the individual mandate for 2016 (or $1,390 penalty for my household consisting of my wife and I). Its been proven its a form of tax by our very own Supreme Court, but a tax that unquestionably forces me to be a consumer, a principle I wholly reject; as a free citizen how can I ever be forced to consume anything? For almost 200 years in this country a persons primary healthcare provider was him or herself. With Obamacare the system was supposed to be fixed, yet the healthcare costs are skyrocketing under this new system. Why am I not better to put the money under my mattress and stay healthy for 3 years? I would save over $25,000 in cash in the bank (36 mos. x $700). That would pay for greater than 98% of all medical procedures (save open heart surgery, organ transplant, detached retina). I mean insurance is a profit center, right? And it preys upon the fear of the unlikely but possible? Yet, healthcare insurance has become this gross system of extortion from the healthy. Its sort of like if your airline flew you up to 35,000 feet then decompressed the cabin and tried to sell you air and even if you refused and passed out, when you woke up youd find a bill in your lap for refusing to buy the air. Its ludicrous and an insult to my intelligence. I was reading Thoreaus Resistance to Civil Government and thats when I realized that paying the Obamacare tax would be a way in which I would collaborate in injustice since I am my own highest form of representation over my own healthcare. I quit, and I refuse to pay the penalty until it is proven that I am unable to be my own healthcare provider.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 00:03:29 +0000

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