LIFE BEGINS AT THE END OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE Baby dreams What has God asked of the Church? Feed my lambs - Take care of my sheep - Feed my sheep Rustle is a house where sheep can be fed, nurtured and protected. Sometimes the sheep can be hard to handle. But God has created Rustle to be a place of restoration and refreshing. An oasis for sheep to drink from. A lighthouse to lead the sheep out of the dark on safe paths. Rustle is God’s servant, His chosen one in whom He delights. He has put His spirit on Rustle and Rustle will bring justice to the nations. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice. He will not falter or be discouraged. I, the Lord have called you in righteousness. I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles. To open the eyes that are blind. - To free captives from prison. To release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness. The story of John and sleep John needs rest for peace in his life. We need rest for peace in our lives. But John wasn’t getting rest like he needed. John knew there was a better way so he pushed forward for it. He had uncomfortable tests and trials but all the time moving toward a better way. A way of rest. And if it means he has to use a CPAP machine to give him rest he will do it. We too need to push forward to reach toward rest. We need to do what it takes. And it may not be easy. But it will be restorative. And it will be worth it. Whatever you are doing inside of me It feels like chaos but somehow there is peace. I AM holding on to you. I AM. Shine I see Rustle as a light in the neighbourhood. Giving peace and rest to souls in turmoil. Feeding hungry bellies. Singing in to the night. That the darkness is being pushed back. Step by step. Sometimes only tiny steps. Sometimes bigger steps. That Jesus walks in the neighbourhood. That we are Jesus hands and feet in the neighbourhood. Loving as Jesus loves. Caring as Jesus cares. That we will continue to make an impact as we have been doing. As every step counts.Be aware of what God is doing. Be listening for what God is saying to you. How wolves change rivers: https://youtube/watch?v=ysa5OBhXz-Q We are all interconnected. We all matter. Rustle’s presence in the neighbourhood is for healing, transformation and restoration. It isn’t something that you might notice by looking at it but the change is taking place in our habitat. In the background things are happening as we press forward. Looking forward. What do you look forward to concerning Rustle? What do you see in the future for Rustle?
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 23:20:40 +0000

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