LIFE ON OUR NUT FARM – A KENNY DAY It was 911. My ninety - TopicsExpress


LIFE ON OUR NUT FARM – A KENNY DAY It was 911. My ninety three year old father Kenny had been feeling very ill for the last couple of weeks. Normally, he was always ready for a birthday party, dinner out or pizza and a movie. I had become very concerned and booked a series of appointments with his doctors over the past week. Yesterday, his primary care physician looked glumly at me after he had examined Kenny and ran more tests. “He’s got a urinary blockage and at his age, that is not good...Likely another tumor.” Kenny has a history of this. I sighed, looked at Kenny. He looked back. “Sorry to cause you so much trouble. “Quick appointments were made with his urologist and today, we spent the late morning at the hospital; more exams and tests. Then midday, Kenny’s Urologist, emerged with the verdict. “Mr. Frandsen,” he pronounced, “Your only problem is that you are not drinking enough water...You must drink six glasses a day.” Gratefully, I thanked the doctor and loaded Kenny back into the car. On a hill nearby, my mother, Josephine is buried. Kenny and I drove up there and placed two bouquets of flowers, Michael had picked, upon her grave. She would love the large, orange-red Gladiolas, burgundy, red, yellow, and orange Dahlias, purple Gay feathers, and more. Josephine was always thrilled with Michael’s many floral bouquets; she would smile, thank, and hug him. Kenny and I spent time, wept a bit, and turned to get in the car. I heard a familiar sound, stopped, turned around, and there was a Hummingbird in the Beautiful Gladiolas! Josephine still Loves Michael’s Bouquets! On the way home, to celebrate, we stopped at Bubba Burgers, the restaurant trailer in a parking lot. Placed our order and brought it home. Michael was thrilled to hear the news and have a burger! Then he took Kenny grocery shopping, including a case of bottled water! What a great day!
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 04:49:47 +0000

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