LIFE can sometimes feel unbearable, perhaps you are experiencing - TopicsExpress


LIFE can sometimes feel unbearable, perhaps you are experiencing pain, a loss, a break up or something hard that can make you feel overwhelmed. Dont think that you are alone in your pain. GOD is with you and He listen to your prayers, He wants you to experience peace. Look for signs that connect Him to you after you pray. Look for feathers, coins, hearts, a song with a message, a sign in a billboard or in a book, in the sky or with an animal. Trust in His LOVE, Blessings are in the way... LIFE can sometimes feel like a long painful scary journey, but You dont have to live your life experiencing negative feelings all the time. If you walk with fear and negativity, you will always feel unsure, uncertain and may cause you to feel imbalance, just like walking in an unstable bridge. Dont worry about the things you cant change, havent happen or are in the past. Make sure to live in the Present with positive thoughts and feelings, add LOVE and compassion to your heart and your journey will certainly feel more peaceful and Beautiful... LIFE can be difficult sometimes and we can find ourselves hard to cope with it specially if one doesnt have anyone to talk to or anyone to understand what you are going through. But dont be discouraged, GOD is always listening and it is always hugging you even that you cannot see him. He doesnt leave your side. If things havent been going your way, just think that he is working with you, perhaps He wants you to understand something or to follow a new path where you can find yourself feeling peace and feeling joy again. Trust in his goodness. He is LOVE, connect to him from your heart. Look for signs. Feathers , hearts, coins, perhaps listen to the radio, a song perhaps will pop out with some guidance for you. May you feel blessed by His eternal LOVE... Let LOVE live always in your heart even when is darkness Those who live truly to their hearts , find happiness even in the darkest moments. They understand that even when it rains, the Sun or a rainbow will come out....
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 14:43:26 +0000

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