~ LIMITLESS...THINK about that word & its meaning~ Gods power IS - TopicsExpress


~ LIMITLESS...THINK about that word & its meaning~ Gods power IS LIMITLESS~ Recognize that He is a God who is able to know our needs even beyond what we know ourselves! When WE FULLY Place Our CONFIDENCE IN GOD LOOK at the examples He has given us in His word! Can a God with that kind of power make a difference in my life? Consider that His power is directed by His love, and what His love motivated Him to give for us (John 3:16). Understand and comprehend that He is a God with whom all things are possible (Matthew 19:25-26). Recognize that He is a God who is able to know our needs even beyond what we know ourselves! (Ephesians 3:14-21) He is not limited by our lack of imagination, creativity, vision or power as we are. Do you recall the ancient nation of Israel, after witnessing Gods power in many ways; the ten plagues on their Egyptian masters, their deliverance at the Red Sea; water from the rocks of the wilderness and food from the sky; how that nation still, tragically, lacked confidence in Gods power as they stood on the brink of the promised land of Canaan (Numbers 13-14)? God was able, but they were unwilling to believe. God would have given them whatever they needed to win the victory, if only they had believed. That was then, now is now. We find ourselves in a very similar circumstance, and that is not by accident. The Lord caused the account of Israels failure of faith to be recorded and preserved so that we might learn not to do likewise; Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come. (1 Corinthians 10:11). God would have blessed them with whatever strength they would need. He will us as well. We are yet in the wilderness, and God will bring us home if we have the trust and humility to submit to Him (1 Peter 5:6-7).
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 13:47:03 +0000

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