LIST OF 80 COMMUNISTS IN CONGRESS TODAY. THE PUPPETS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER This is a list of SOCIALISTS/COMMUNISTS in the US House from the Progressive Caucus which is affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America and is the largest socialist organization in the United States and principle U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International. All are Democrats. Notable Past Member: Barack Hussein Obama Co-Chairs: Raúl M. Grijalva (AZ-07) Hon. Lynn Woolsey (CA-06) Vice Chairs: Diane Watson (CA-33), Keith Ellison (MN-05), Sheila Jackson-Lee (TX-18), Mazie Hirono (HI-02), Dennis Kucinich (OH-10), Donna F. Edwards (MD-04),Alan Grayson (FL-08) Senate Members: Roland Burris (IL), Bernie Sanders (VT), Tom Udall (NM) House Members: Tammy Baldwin (WI-02), Xavier Becerra (CA-31), Earl Blumenauer (OR-03), Robert Brady (PA-01), Corrine Brown (FL-03), Michael Capuano (MA-08), André Carson (IN-07), Donna Christensen (VI-AL), Judy Chu (CA-32), Yvette Clarke (NY-11), William “Lacy” Clay (MO-01), Emanuel Cleaver (MO-05), Steve Cohen (TN-09), John Conyers (MI-14), Elijah Cummings (MD-07), Danny Davis (IL-07), Peter DeFazio (OR-04), Rosa DeLauro (CT-03), Sam Farr (CA-17), Chaka Fattah (PA-02), Bob Filner (CA-51), Barney Frank (MA-04, Jim Moran (VA-08), Jerrold Nadler (NY-08), Eleanor Holmes-Norton (DC-AL), John Olver (MA-01), Frank Pallone (NJ-06), Ed Pastor (AZ-04), Donald Payne (NJ-10), Chellie Pingree (ME-01), Jared Polis (CO-02), Charles Rangel (NY-15), Laura Richardson (CA-37), Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-34), Bobby Rush (IL-01), Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11), Luis Gutierrez (IL-04), John Hall (NY-19), Phil Hare (IL-17), Alcee Hastings (FL-23), Maurice Hinchey (NY-22), Michael Honda (CA-15), Jesse Jackson, Jr. (IL-02), Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX-30), Hank Johnson (GA-04), Marcy Kaptur (OH-09), Carolyn Kilpatrick (MI-13), Barbara Lee (CA-09), John Lewis (GA-05), David Loebsack (IA-02), Ben R. Lujan (NM-3), Carolyn Maloney (NY-14), Ed Markey (MA-07), Jim McDermott (WA-07), James McGovern (MA-03) George Miller (CA-07), Gwen Moore (WI-04), Linda Sánchez (CA-39), Jan Schakowsky (IL-09), José Serrano (NY-16), Louise Slaughter (NY-28), Pete Stark (CA-13), Bennie Thompson (MS-02), John Tierney (MA-06), Nydia Velazquez (NY-12), Maxine Waters (CA-35), Mel Watt (NC-12), Henry Waxman (CA-30), Peter Welch (VT-AL) The radical Marxist-progressives (communists) took control of the democrat party some time ago. They’ve only become more emboldened with the election of Barack Obama, who was raised as a communist from birth. With their new found leader, Barack Obama, the Socialist Party of America felt secure enough to announce the names of democrats in Congress that belong to their caucus.” Never forget that these individuals listed above want to transform The United States of America into a Socialistic utopia that will diminish our standing in the world as the lone “Super Power” remaining. None of them deserve the title of "Honorable" anything because they swore an Oath to the Constitution and dishonored it. They only thing they deserve is the punishment for treason. “IT IS OUR DUTY TO DEFEND OUR LIBERTIES AGAINST ALL ATTACKS”
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 05:51:57 +0000

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